on saturday afternoon, darling redsonja (sonya) & california poppy (gaby) drove their car onto my lawn. life would never be the same.

we hugged there. we readied ourselves.
we dressed in our most gorgeous goddess wear.
then we drove to my favourite place in canberra ~ hanging rock at tidbinbilla national park.

we walked up the path, up the hill to where this big beautiful rock sat. It has been there for aeons. It has been used as an Aboriginal shelter for hundreds of years. Ceremonies have taken place.

we were about to have our own ceremony.

a woman stood at the top. a beautiful woman.
my magnificent friend, debra.

debra is beautiful

my two new, old friends are my goddesses of honour.
debra gives us crowns of fresh flowers to wear.

gaby & sonya

and i am the bride. i am the groom.

there is a beautiful altar.

we smudge. we hold hands. there are the four directions. gods and goddeses names said. buffalo calf woman. quan yin. shiva. odin.

and then a mirror is held.
my hands are fasted together.
i gaze into a mirror and recite my own vows to myself.

Leonie, I promise to love and honour you.
I made a promise aeons ago to remember self love.

my goddesses help me. they pass me the moonstone ring i had chosen for myself.

my darling goddesses of honour & me

and debra marries me. to myself.

I marry me. I choose me.

I climb to the top of a rock and pronounce my name to the world.
Leonie. The Goddess.

There with beautiful women, by a beautiful rock.

We rejoice. We circle. We choose love.

trying out the blessings of honey, wine & salt

sonya makes such a beautiful fairy…

debra dreams upon rock…

gaby is glorious…

i am so grateful to have shared this sacred time with these women.
i am slowly digesting the beauty, wisdom & great love,
that i saw in them, and that i saw in me.

And that’s how we began our adventure…

magnificently, whimsically, in the forest…

{to be continued tomorrow night…}

all my love,
glowing bride & goddess