G’day darlinghearts!
Today’s guest post is by my beautiful friend Silvia. She’s another of those incredible women I’ve known for what feels like a hundred years in internet land. She was one of my very first coaching clients back in ye olden days, and I love that our connection still remains! Silvia de Vries is the creator behind Elke dag and can also be found on the Twitters.
As you know, I very rarely accept guest posts, but each year I like to invite some gorgeous, passionate, inspiring women to share their new year dreams, goals + miracles.
The more we hear of women dreaming big dreams and making them happen, the more it will become the “new normal” and fuel us to do just the same.
Introducing dear Silvia.

Years ago, four to be exact, I booked a coaching session with Leonie. We talked via Skype and laughed out loud. It was so nice to connect face to face and talk about the things in my life that needed guiding. The funny thing is that when it comes to the exact subjects we talked about… I remember very little. What I do remember was the outcome of our conversation. It was huge and transformative and I will never forget that her guidance let me to walk my own path again.
That joy-filled conversation from one goddess in Australia to another one living temporarily in Finland, working as an au-pair of four children (that would be me *gasp*) set intentions for new beginning. It would take a while before they blossomed, though. And this is the reason why: I never let go of the old, of the past. Leonie explains this so well in her 2013 workbook:
“Here’s the place where we muck it up. We set our new resolutions, our new goals, our new dreams…without ever taking stock, coming to terms with and clearing all the days and months that have gone before us.
It took me a long time to realize that by not letting go of the past, I was holding myself back. Including by new dreams and goals. So I took this insight to heart and set out to close the years that lay behind me. It has brought me magic.

Ever since, so many wonderful things have happened. In the course of a year a lot of my dreams came true: I quit my job + started my own copywriting company. I got to write a weekly article in the most read newspaper in The Netherlands. I started working as a travel writer. I moved in with my boyfriend and last but not least I got to guide this amazing group of women in the Goddess Circle.

Of course I worked my way through the 2013 workbooks, I can’t imagine what is waiting for me this year. I also wrote my 100 things to do in 2013 list. Guess what, I have already checked a few off my list and as I write this it’s only day three of the new year!
I just did my books for the 4th Quarter of 2012 and realised that in the 4th Quarter I earned 2/3 of my entire year income… The 4th Quarter is also the time when I started coming back to the Goddess Circle, when I worked on the business goddess e-course etc. etc. MAGIC IS HAPPENING!

So go get that workbook. Take stock of last year, close it and move on to the wonderful and endless possibilities of a new year. Write lists, set goals, make magic.
You’re a treasure, Silvia.
And I can’t wait to see what you make happen this year, dearest. You are one powerful creator!
All my love,