G’day darlinghearts!
Today’s guest post is by the gorgeous Andreea Ayers. Andreea is a serial entrepreneur who has started and sold two businesses. She currently blogs at www.LaunchGrowJoy.com about Pinterest, getting your products in stores and getting publicity for your brand. She is a proud mama of three who loves yoga and hiking in the beautiful mountains of Boulder, CO.
As you know, I very rarely accept guest posts, but each year I like to invite some gorgeous, passionate, inspiring women to share their new year dreams, goals + miracles.
The more we hear of women dreaming big dreams and making them happen, the more it will become the “new normal” and fuel us to do just the same.
Take it away Andreea lovely!

For many, the New Year signifies a fresh start, dreaming big and setting goals to achieve those dreams. If you’re anything like me, you probably have set goals for your life and business – maybe you even wrote them down – but most likely you told them to someone else or kept those goals in your head.
This year I wanted to do be very specific and intentional about my goals and dreams, so I began searching online for a business planner. As fate would have it, I came across the Create Your Incredible Year Workbook and Planner and I fell in love with it instantly! Not only did I love the design, but the inspirational messages and prompts were exactly what I was looking for. I ordered both the life and biz planners right away and I’ve already seen a difference in my business from using them.
I started with the biz planner first and spent hours planning an amazing 2013 for my business, Launch Grow Joy. In my business, I work with entrepreneurs who have a product line and I help them to dream big and then give them the tools they need to reach those dreams.
I’ve been using the planners for less than two weeks and I am already seeing results! One of the goals that I wrote down is that I would love more paid writing and speaking opportunities in 2013. What’s incredible is that the day after I wrote this down in my planner, I received the following email:

This is exactly the opportunity I wanted to manifest more of in 2013 and it happened right away! Other things that I wrote down were that I wanted to have a $100,000 launch with my new course, 20,000 entrepreneurs on my email list by the end of 2013 and a feature in Entrepreneur magazine.
(Note from Leonie – I LOVE when women talk about specific numbers. There’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of in sharing numbers – in brings clarity and power in!)
What I love about the biz planner is that I am able to not only write these specific goals down, but I can schedule them in my biz calendar and I can start taking action to achieve these goals by the end of 2013.
What I’ll STOP doing in 2013
Another thing that really helped me were the prompts for all of the things that I wanted to STOP doing in 2013. These are all things that drain me energetically and include things like stop saying YES to every opportunity that comes my way (and instead pick only those opportunities that I enjoy and that serve me), stop thinking that quantity is more important than quality (which means that I’ll be writing fewer blog posts next year, but I will make each one a lot more valuable AND I’ll be pursuing opportunities with partners who have a more relevant audience to me rather than those who have a larger audience) and stop trying to do it all myself (I have a team of six people and I still end up doing a lot of the work myself, not because my team can’t do it, but simply because I’ve convinced myself that how I do it is better – this is all changing starting NOW!) Writing down all of the things that I will stop doing has already helped me make more space in my business to do those things that I enjoy.
But what has made the BIGGEST impact on my attitude and actions so far is this quote from the Biz planner –
“Your job is simple – step up. Shine. Be the biggest light you can.”
This sentence alone has shifted my mindset and has allowed me to see 2013 in a different light – a bright light where I can really make a difference to my clients and customers. It inspired me to step up, dream bigger and think more about how I can be of service rather than how I can reach seven figures. I know the money will come when I truly step it up.
If you don’t already have a copy of the 2013 Create Your Incredible Year Workbook and Planner, I highly recommend it. I believe it is one of the most important tools you can invest in for your business in 2013!
Thank you gorgeous Andreea for sharing your big bright light + vision with the world.
I love how INSTANTLY things started manifesting for you as soon as you wrote them down – wowza!
And I’m sending lots of blessings and wishes for you to make a gorgeous, powerful impact in the world over the next year (and always!)