It’s raining here in the rainforest. Frogs a-croaking all around. And me? I’m in labour pains. I’m birthing a big new miracle that landed on my lap a few days ago. For me, this kind of birth isn’t that much unlike birthing a babe. It’s messy and emotional and not always easy, and sometimes you want to give up. But deep inside you there is a love of what’s on the other side. So you close your eyes, and you carry on. Deep into the tunnel of birthing what is needed in the world.
But I’m off track.
Mostly, I wanted to ask you a personal question.
What are you going to do to make 2013 incredible for you, for your business?
Here’s what I wish for you, so deeply and fondly in my heart.
Today, I saw a flock of ducks.
And they stilled me. I was sure they were going to bring me a message. I held my breath waiting to see if they would form a V shape. But they didn’t. There was messiness and no discernable pattern, until they formed the shape of a wolf howling. And then, just like that, they lined up as a single line and washed across the sky like a wave. And it brought tears to my eyes. It brought to me the vision of you and me – all of us wild, passionate, spirited women creating new lives, new businesses and changing the world as we did it. We were dancing across the sky with light, changing it as we went.
I feel so happy in my heart knowing this is true. Whether you believe it deeply yet or only just starting to glimpse the truth, this world is changing for good. And we are the ones who are doing it. Full of heart, spirit, love and joy.
This is such a sacred time of year for us to bring our actions in alignment with our intentions.
Do you have the support, guidance + inspiration you need to do it?
If you are needing some to help you do this, please do check out my 2013 Create Your Incredible Year In Life And Biz workbooks. They really are powerful and amazing.

And if you’re wanting a truly amazing 2013, become a Goddess Circle member. You’ll get monthly e-courses and programs to help you transform every area of your life from business to health, home, happiness, soul, meditation and creativity. You’ll also get access to an incredibly positive, encouraging circle of women who call forth the best in each other. It’s one of the most generous, useful, powerful clubs available in the world.

I offer these to you because I pour everything I have into them to help you live your most gorgeous, happy, abundant life and business. I want to see you shine. I offer these at amazingly affordable prices so they are as easy as possible for you to afford. I stand behind them, whole of heart. After 4 years of running these programs online, they come whole-heartedly recommended from the transformed goddesses who have said yes to them.
I’m wishing for you the most wonderful 2013. May all your dreams come true, dearest. The whole world wants them to.
With all that I am, and with so much love in my heart,
P.S. I’m asking you these questions – about whether you have the support, inspiration + guidance to help you create your best year yet in life and in business – not because I want to be pushy, but because I believe it’s a really important question to answer.
It doesn’t matter whether you choose support from me or elsewhere – what matters is you choose it. You give it to yourself. Because you, and your beautiful life and your dreams and your business are truly worth investing in.