As you probably know already,
And I LOVE to give it to YOU.
Not shit shit per say.
I mean:
Useful shit. Creative shit. Powerful shit.
Stuff to help you create your magical, beautiful, amazing life + business.
Stuff to help you be more productive, happier, more at peace, more deeply-on-soul-purpose.
So here’s four of the most popular free e-books I’ve created over the years for you.
Just incase you haven’t gotten all of them yet for you.
Make sure you take some time today to download and read through.
They are bloody DELICIOUS and FUN and GLORIOUS.
Not at all a dullsville experience like most ebook reading. These are ebooks like you’ve never seen them before.
And not just that, but they are hand-on-my-heart life + business changing.
Only the best for you, babycakes.
1. THE PROJECT FINISHER EBOOK: How To Finish Your Projects + Get Them Out Into The World

Also known as the Cowgirl’s Guide To Riding Wild Donkeys.
This is one life-changing game-changing creativity-changing principle that will change the way you create + finish!
In it, you’ll learn:
- My secret to producing and creating effortlessly, easily + with ridunkulous amounts of joy
- How to get your projects finished + out into the world in record time
- How to transform your biz + creative practice with this simple, powerful technique
- The secret to making your ideas into real, finished, tangible creations that can touch the world + give you gorgeous income!
2. HOW TO CREATE A MINI RETREAT (with bonus meditation!)

In this free ebook you’ll receive:
- an 8 minute meditation MP3 designed to give you a mini retreat throughout the day
- how to create a healing or creativity retreat in just a lunch hour!
Click here to download your free mini retreat ebook + MP3!

This is EVERYTHING I know
about how to do it ALL ::
be a mama, artist & business owner
while keeping all the laundry folded.
Handy hints + secrets galore.
(It’s also HILARIOUS. Welcome to my wacky sense of humour! Make sure you don’t email me telling me it’s broken. Make sure you READ THROUGH TO THE END.)
Get your free ebook here.

This ebook holds a very dear place in my heart.
Tears soften my eyes when I read it.
It’s lavishly and lovingly designed with sumptuous photographs of women as goddesses… photos that I’ve been taking for many years now.
This is a very personal, inspiring message from your angels.
For whenever you feel alone. Whenever you’re not sure if you’re on the right path. Whenever you forget how incredible you are.
Click here to get your free angel ebook now.

And if you haven’t already, make sure you grab the FREE Biz & Blog Star workbook.
It’s FULL of divine, delicious good tips on building your own wildly successful, heart-centered business.
In it you’ll discover:
- How to grow a super abundant biz super quickly
- 7 Ways To Get 20 000 Blog Readers
- How to have a One Million Dollar Idea
- How NOT to go bonkerdoodles as you do it all!
I need a favour, lovebug.
If these ebooks have helped you, or you ding-dang love this free collection,
can you pretty please share it along to 3 friends who you think might find it useful.
Otherwise please share it along via social media so these free e-books find the beautiful souls they are meant to help.
The more we have women in our lives who are inspired, on-soul-purpose and cultivating their own incredible lives and businesses, the richer our own becomes. It’s a beautiful beautiful thing.
Thank you so much, oodles & poodles dearest!