Being a Goddess Ship Captain on

Hola dear ones,

It’s a Sunday. No, a Monday. This has been the wildness of my life lately, tangled and busy and consumed. I’m slowly making space in my life where I can be breathed. Slowly finding the structure I need to float this sailing boat of my dreams. I keep asking the good questions of myself: What do I need now? What will help? What support do I need?

What has been coming up for me was I needed to launch this website. Two months ago I hired a web designer to help me find the colours and the look of this big sailing boat. It was supposed to be launched into the beautiful blue waters on January 1. It wasn’t, and my designer went MIA. It’s now a month on, and I’ve been struggling, stressing, handing it over to the angels and finding some kind of acceptance.

Yesterday, after sitting with my fairy in the garden (more on her later, she’s a new friend), I decided I was just going to Do It Anyway. It was that feeling of no longer placing my destiny and journey in the hands of another, and steering my sailboat where I needed to go. A day and a half later, we have a website. Hurrah! I heart me some taking-the-reins and Doing It Anyway! Even when it’s not perfect. Even when it’s still being fine tuned. It’s my not-so-little dream come true!

It’s still a little bit flopsy, and there’s still a couple of pages missing, but it’s here. Our beautiful dream boat has arrived, and I’m so heart-glad to invite you on board. It’s a wooden sailing boat with blue and white sails billowing in the breeze, large cushions resting on the board for you to sit and watch the seas and sky from. There is a mermaid sculpture at the head of the ship. There are prayer flags flying down the sides. Down below there are some rooms that are still being furnished, but they’ll be exquisite too – even more places for you to explore, be comfortable and find what you need in. I feel like this will be a sailing ship for each of us to be the Goddess we are, and be who we were born to be.

I feel like we should have a launching party… crack open some green glass bottles of soda water and mango frappes. As I’m going through an extra-passionate-about-Cupcakes-phase, there will be some of those too. Mostly, I just want you to feel at home. That you are welcome here, with all your pieces and parts and unique beauty. I’m so glad you are here!

So, dearest Goddesses, welcome to…

HRGS (Her Royal Goddess’ Ship) Goddess Guidebook.

May her journey, and all of our journeys, be filled with laughter, spirit and magnificence.


The Goddess Captain,

P.S. If you find things out of place or a wee bit janky, you can let me know here. It’ll take a little while to get everything totally in order, but this sailing boat wanted to sail, baby!

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