The precious creation~goddess Penelope set the challenge to document your average day using snapshots, then printing out to put in an album in chronological order.
I took to the task with muchos gusto, choosing my special and well recorded day to be Sunday. It wasn’t a particularly average day, but I’m grateful I documented it anyway. My love’s wonderful parents are here visiting us, we are on holidays and are using this as our “Christmas” break instead. Insert large boxes of chocolates, vast consumption of books and flagrant overuse of lounging…
After reading a book on creating altered books a few days ago, I decided to make my photo album an ancient French textbook we found in an op-shop years ago in my hometown (I know who the schoolboy owner is {the joys of being a smalltown homegirl} ~ he is in his seventies now).
It was wonderful to play in a new style this afternoon ~ crossover photography/scrapbooking/collage/mixed media, all set within the yellow pages of an old book beauty.

did you get that all?
awakening, my dog,
outside to connect with earth and meditate
breakfast, reading,
talking, connecting,
drawing, morning pages,
emailing, lunch making,
watching a 6ixDegrees doco on India {oh land of my heart},
adorning myself in goddess wear (turquoise, flowing skirt, bellydancing belt, wild hair),
a chakra goddess playshop with aromatherapy,
a dinner party with my love’s family,
watching “so you think you can dance” {not so guilty pleasure}
comet gazing ~ seeing the huge and wonderous Comet McNaught on our horizon,
internet playing, goddess notes read~over
then ~ finally
and a journey into the dreaming,
yep, that’s a pretty awesome day…
and it is all the more beautiful for having been seen.
with love and light,