I’ve just finished up my final private coaching retreat for the year, this one a solo one with the lovely Dévashi Shakti of Tigress Yoga.
Here’s the reason I do business coaching:
1.) I’m damn good at it. I’ve already created a successful business. And I create pretty amazing results for my clients. Now that’s the left-brain part of it, the brain and mind stuff.
2.) But here’s the soul reason – the one that moves me and is the one that inspires me.
I see so many earth angels out there with incredible gifts to share with the world. I’ve seen it with every single soul I’ve coached this year. Every woman I’ve had at the retreats here. Each of the women I am coaching for the next six months (and to answer the questions I know will pile in: no, I didn’t offer those coaching positions publicly. I mentioned it to few previous clients and colleagues who’d expressed interest and was sold out before I could even tell my mailing list. I’m really sorry if you missed out. I am working on a way I can help you more because I’m so chronically sold out of coaching).
What’s the soul reason behind doing business coaching?
Because I believe these earth angels come into the world with these gifts and they are meant to help THOUSANDS of people. HUNDREDS of thousands of people. MILLIONS of people.
And I wholeheartedly believe and know that business and marketing is the powerful vessel that will help them get their message to the ones who need it the most.
Business and marketing doesn’t have to be spammy or scammy. It’s really not. And by engaging in business, it doesn’t mean we’re not earth angels. Instead, it means we are earth angels who are working with the laws of the physical world to create divine change.
Here’s the REAL truth about business:
Business is really just one person offering their gifts to the world to the people who need it.
(Click here to tweet that quote!)

Take my lovely client Dévashi for example. She came into her spiritual path early and became certified in reiki healing and massage at the ripe old age of 17. She went on to explore many spiritual and wellbeing modalities, including tantra and yoga. And along the way she discovered that many yoga traditions are based on male bodies and energies. She went on to create Tigress Yoga – a yoga form that is uniquely female, and allows women to reconnect to their sensuality and yin energies through yoga and sacred practices. It’s beautiful and powerful and life changing for the women who do her classes with her.
But I see something BIGGER is needed here:
And yet I see so much more is needed of Dévashi. I feel how many women need her work in the world. How much women need to reconnect with their sensuality and form a grounded, spiritual connection with their boobs and wombs and vags. (Did you see what I did just then? You were all “Oh Leonie is speaking SO profoundly right now. And then BOOM. BOOB. Right there. That’s just how I roll, baybee!)
Right, where were we? Oh yes.
Dévashi’s already created a successful business. She also knows that Tigress Yoga needs to be WORLDWIDE, baybeee. It needs to be accessible to women wherever they are. Wherever they are calling out for this work, it needs to be there.
And that’s how I help. I’ve chosen to step up and help these powerful earth angels take their gift to the world. It might be a whole yogic discipline. It might be something less intense than that. But, by gosh, it’s NEEDED. YOU are needed. Your GIFTS are needed. Not just a little. A LOT.
Incase you need reminding:
You need to be out in the world, big, sharing your gifts in the biggest way possible, helping as many people as you can.
And all in a way that doesn’t drive you bonkerdoodles. That sustains you and nourishes you and inspires you and allows you to receive plentiful abundance so you can keep on going and live the shit outta your life too.
I don’t believe earth angels were sent here to heal others at expense to themselves.
That’s not the way the universe works. That’s not our divine mission.
God sent down all us earth angels and said:
“Hey. I want you to share your gifts. And I want you to walk your talk and live your most beautiful life too. Life is for enjoying, you know.”
And some of us get soul amnesia and only hear the first part of that message.
We just hear
“I want you to share your gifts.”
So we help and we heal and we fix. Even when it costs us. Even when it takes us away from ourselves. Even when it makes our life painful.
We give and we give and we give, because that’s the only part of the message we heard.
We help people who aren’t ready to be helped. We give away all we have until we’re no longer able to give. We dry up from lack of sustenance. We get jaded. We think this whole earth angel job is too much for one soul to bear in a life.
And it’s not. It’s just we haven’t heard the whole message.
It’s okay to receive money for our gifts. Money is just an exchange of energy.
And there needs to be an exchange of energy in order for it to be sustainable and nourishing for both parties.
I keep repeating this over and over to my clients. In my case it has been absolutely true:
The more money I make, the more people I can help.
How so?
When I earn more money I can:
- Employ more people so my business can grow and help more people
- Have more time to create more programs that will assist people with whatever they are hurting from
- Use money to nourish myself (through self-care, massage, acupuncture etc) so I can keep doing this for the rest of my life and not burn out like a big ole trainwreck
- Engage in philanthropy
- Use my money in conscious, intentional ways that align with my values (for example, eating local and organic, buying handmade, buying from environmentally friendly companies)
I’m not afraid of money and its power.
I’m not afraid that being rich will make me an asshole or greedy.
It’s just going to make me more of who I am.
And I love who I am.
I’m generous and kind and loving and have the biggest most beautiful dreams for this world and every soul in it.
And that’s exactly who I’ll keep on being.
All I Need To Remember As An Earth Angel Entrepreneur:
I’m going to be kind to myself. I’m going to live my incredible life. I’m going to remember that I was sent here to be an earth angel. That I’m here to help millions of people. That I can only do that by tending to myself too.
Remember that to for you, okay?
All my love,

P.S. If you haven’t heard about them already, the 2013 Create Your Incredible Year In Business and Life workbooks are HERE and already creating massive miracles in womens’ businesses and lives.
It’s spare change for something that can create SO much good in your world, and this world.
Get yours here + start creating your miracles.