Hola gorgeous Goddess!
I have such a treat for you today.
It’s a video. Not just any video.
It’s an interview with a woman who lives her big, big dream… and has been for thirty years.
A woman whose self-described job is this: I help people come alive. (Probably the best job description ever).
A woman who has been teaching other women for decades how to be their creative, wise, joyful selves.
A woman who has worked out how to make a wonderful abundant income from that.
And a woman who is now training others to do that – to become expressive arts teachers, creative coaches & circle leaders.
So I wanted to do an interview with Chris to share her with you, and talk about her training program. There might be some of you looking for a career change or get trained on how to create dobleros while being your creative, amazing, sharing self. I’m sooooo into this idea, and wish I wasn’t all the way over the world so I could do it. There’s so much for me to learn from the amazing Chris Zydel. She’s just a joy to experience.
So, without further ado or abo or a-mooooooo, here’s a big gigglefest where the two of us attempt to keep it together enough to talk about the wonder of expressive arts. Bonus calls from God & happy yarping from the puppies & strange sound interruptions from God too. {In other words, please excuse & celebrate the crazy reverbs & noises… they do stop after a little! The joys of being splendidly perfect :)}
Triple bonus point: After watching the video back, I’m a little startled at just how much me & Chris played the “separated at birth” card. Ahem. Notice the double ups of cackling, head tilting & looking hotttttttt in a Scandinavian kinda way. Doppelganger, anyone, anyone?
Interview with Chris Zydel on being an expressive arts teacher… from Goddess Leonie on Vimeo.
Lush Links
Check out Chris Zydel’s Creative Juices Arts website here.
And if you’re called to becoming an Expressive Arts Teacher, information on her Teacher Training program is here.
Yay! That was ridunkulous amounts of fun, possums.
I hope you are all feeling completely inspired now… I’m all abuzz with the jooociness.
Is it time for a meditationap?
Big love,