Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.
– E.B. White
Charlotte’s Web
Feeling better inwardly today.
Had the day off work to focus on feeling better outwardly…
get over this lingering cold…
It has been a soft, lovely day.
Blessing No. 1
Had to go to uni for my last tutorial,
and it put my mind at rest.
Feel so much more confident about exam now.
I’m so glad I dragged myself out of the house for it.
Blessed to have uni,
and blessed to feel confident.
Blessing No. 2
At uni was Markets Day.
I have always wanted to go to the markets,
but was never there…
And today I was!
And today I had $21 sitting in my purse,
as part of a recent painting sale…
And there was two beautiful necklaces…
and guess how much they cost together? $21
21 is my favourite number…
and it is the birth year I am leaving behind.
So I bought them,
to honour me.
To say to myself, I’m proud of me.
I’m honouring the year that was,
and the year that will be.
Blessing No. 3
And then, when I got home,
there was a package waiting for me
from the beautiful Miss Thailand.
My dear friend who shared a dorm with me
at boarding school,
and is now a journalist in Thailand,
fighting for the rights of Burmese people.
Watch out for the name peoples ~
Zetty Brake.
She’s going to be famous one day.
Mark my words.
Zetty is passionate, wild, succulent,
one of the most intelligent, driven people I know
she is her own person
a traveller, adventurer, writer, photographer
she is honest, driven by morals,
lovable and loving.
She is truly a marvellous human bean.
She sent me the most beautiful bag
handwoven, handmade, my most favourite colours.
a CONSCIOUS bag ~ supporting the people
that she is fighting with words for.
all a girl needs is a groovy bag and a dog…
the two accessory must~haves this season.
Beautiful bag has multiple purposes also.
If Charlie was a rescue dog, he could use it as a knapsack
and carry chocolate, a mobile phone and medical supplies
to lost people.
But he’s not a rescue dog, so he just looks cute wearing it!
Blessing No. 4
Plenty of doggy cuddles and kisses from
above mentioned furry angel.
Blessing No. 5
Zetty also sent me a letter in my bag.
And it was beautiful.
I got all misty eyed.
Thank you Zetty.
You are one amazing chick,
and I am so glad you entered my life too.
Blessing No. 6
A letter package from Lisa Marie
She is one divine soul.
A pleasure to read her poetry this morning.
So soul*filled, heart*filled.
Simultaneously made parts of me
gently sob
quietly rejoice
Living a thousand lives through words.
Blessing No. 7
Coming to terms with the election.
Recovering, healing, grieving, looking onward.
Four more years. Will the world survive it?
It will, and people may change from this.
God I hope so.
Reading this post on the Message Board made me remember that que sera sera ~ what will be, will be. And it is the way that things must be… and we can still be hopeful about it all.
Blessing No. 8
Saw the original video clip of Joshua Kadison singing Jessie.
Posted on the SARK Marvellous Message Board a message:
Joshua Kadison is DIVINE!
A couple of minutes later, there is an email from SARK herself,
saying yes, “he is divine… he is one of my dearest friends…
he stays at my house sometimes, and plays music
he shows up in a convertible, and serenades me with a flute.
He is just as divine in person!”
Three blessings in one really ~ seeing JK’s beautiful clip,
an email from SARK, and a connection of sorts ~
seeing JK as a real person, from a friend’s eyes.
How beautiful.
Blessing No. 9
Friends. Family. Chris.
Picking Chris up after he finished work
and seeing his face again after 8 hours.
Drinking his presence in like
he was water and I was thirsty.
My friends at work yesterday ~ Lile, Deb.
Such beautiful souls, so willing to wallow with me,
and cheer me. The small things.
Lile telling me gently at 4.30pm:
“You’ve hit a wall haven’t you.”
And giving me a chocolate and cherry muffin to cheer me.
Singing Que Sera Sera to me.
Deb in all her Debness. Announcing in the afternoon,
that she too was joining me in being in a funk.
And that it was okay, because that too would pass.
Dear friends, in happiness and funk~iness and gratefulness.
Friends for all weathers.
Blessing No. 10
Beautiful bag can also be worn as scarf.
If one was to get really cold and creative.