Birthday card from Deb.
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
– Rabindranath Tagore
So many moments which make up that which is my birthday.
Awakening, to my boy, and my dog.
A gift of a bag of art goodies, and a card which made me cry with happiness.
A shower, then my favourite pink dress.
To work, a beautiful gift on my desk from my boss.
My brother calls ~ my childhood hero.
I hang up with a smile on my face. He is divine.

At noon, I am whisked away to a surprise lunch ~
a picnic with Deb and Lile, hidden in a meeting room at work
the windows taped up, purple picnic mat, succulent food,
candles, goddess cards, fairy bread, West Coast coolers.
We all wear party hats, and I wear a tiara.

We giggle, and tell stories.
We drink West Coasts with straws and little umbrellas.

And then we eat triple decker chocolate cake made by Deb.
The most amazing, sumptious cake ever.

Then we head off on Phase 2 of our lunch…
we walk out to a park by the lake,
strolling through ponds and statues.
across bridges over lakes of lilies…
My two dear friends Deb and Lile…
Dearest Deb Goddess
Lush Lile Goddess
An adventure walk past flowers,
and over rock bridges with water streaming through.
We end up by a waterfall
and we sit, and I am gifted…
gifted with such beautiful, thoughtful presents…
a cartoon card of her own design,
beautiful handmade earrings and a bracelet (also of her own design),
a fairy notepad and a flower ball from the lush Lile
a gorgeous card of three girls around a maypole,
and an incredible moon sculpture wall hanging with a story to go with it.
Awed. By the beauty of it all, the moments,
the friendships.
Afterwards, Chris picks me up.
We have sushi, and come home.
A quiet night.
But yes, a bodacious birthday.
Tomorrow, I will write of my brilliant birthday brunch I had today.
Until then, I love you all.
And today, Sunday,
I was immensely, immensely touched
by the I love you’s from
Dan and Zetty.
Two of the most incredible people I know.
I heart you.