Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
I hope you are having a splendifirous, spectacular day with your shining self.
Thank you so much to all those who shared their thoughts and dreamings through the Goddess survey. If you haven’t yet, but have got the itch to, there’s still time. Thank you biiiiiiiiig – I am so grateful!
Today, for something completely different… I wanted to share with you some writing from my Christmas break about meeting my totem, the buffalo, again. Over time I’ll be sharing more about totems and how to connect with yours… but for now… here’s Buffalo Writings. 🙂

The energy here is different. Here in South Australia – wild, unkept, windswept, with the taste of settlers and life close to the land. Bravery, dispair and truth and earth spirit are close to the surface here. If there is one thing I can say about it – it is Real. It is very here.
The wind sweeps in often on salt tongues, swilling around legs and bare shoulders. Look closely in the white orange earth, and you will find tiny shells, remnants of an ancient inland island.
Today, my love and I go to the open plains zoo, the place where I first saw my beloved buffalo. I am excited to share the animals with him for the first time, but don’t think of the buffalos. It has been some time since they had appeared in my dreams and visions, and in recent times I had been visited by other animals to teach me their lessons. In short, I thought my time with the buffalos had ended.
Sitting beside my love, we shuffle past the buffalo herd in an old, rattling bus. Instead of the gentle nonchalence I expected, I find myself taking deep inbreaths again, and filling with tears. Tears so light and golden they shine a warm light into my spirit.
Finally, after I thought these last months that buffalo had left me, I now see she has been living inside me. We are buffalo.
They speak to me, these beautiful beasts. They speak to me with their presence, their great spirit, their gentle eyes and wide backs. They are me, and I am them. I have been covered with a buffalo’s coat and claimed as their own. And I am willing, and honored, knowing I need not give up anything to be with them. I can be totally Leonie still – still utterly loved, still walking my talk, still quietly listening, still raucously living. I can still be myself – and yet be who I am supposed to be. These words tumble out, and they surprise me.
In the zoo store, my love has cupped in his hand something I looked for a year ago but could not find – a buffalo statue. Wise eyes and gentle presence. Wild fur and tender agility. Feet planted in the earth. A body brimming with energy and spirit. She shows the way.
And so I venture forth, walking the path of the woman I was born to be, my gentle buffalo friends walking beside me and inside me. Showing me what it is to live with grace, wisdom, abundance and gratitude. And just how to live with this great stores of energy inside me. Walk it. Walk out my truth and knowing and love. Just as I am – a Buffalo Woman.
* * *
Big big buffalo love from me to you ~

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