Hola gorgeous souls,
I’ve shared so deeply about how becoming a business goddess has changed my life.
I went from a hippy with a big dream, a cubicle job + no clue how to make it happen… to the CEO of a multiple six figure business in just a few short years. My “job” now is my creative + soulful wet dream, the thing that lights me up and that I was born to do.
It’s meant my family has gotten out of debt and into freedom. It’s meant my husband and I have both been able to quit our jobs to raise our daughter. It’s meant we’ve been able to live wherever we like in the world… and as of next week, that’ll mean my dream home – a treehouse in the rainforest!
It’s made my creative and soulful dreams come true.
My family’s dreams of freedom and financial support come true.
And it’s meant I’ve been able to help thousands of women to shine. It’s meant I’ve been able to give other people THEIR dream jobs. It’s meant I’ve been able to donate my time and money on a huger scale than ever before.
I just see business as an incredible way for us all to live our dreams.
That’s why I created the Business Goddess e-course – my highly acclaimed program that has seen some truly amazing results and incredible businesses birthed + grown because of it. I’m running it again starting Friday 1 June.
I so deeply believe that business can change our lives, our family’s lives, each other and the world.
If you are called to the creative or soulful business of your dreams, I would LOVE to help you.
I remember so deeply how frustrated I was in my cubicle job, trying to work out a way to possible have my dream life, where I got to do the thing I loved so deeply each day.
I want to help you shine your light as big and bright as possible.
I want to help you earn a beautiful, nourishing income from your gifts.
I so hope you’ll join me on the Business Goddess e-course before June 1 if you are called.
We can change the world and make all our dreams come true.
I totally believe it.