Beautiful Goddesses,
It’s a Saturday night. I’m on the couch wedged between my two loves – my Wise man and Healer Dog. We’re watching our favourite music quiz show – RockWiz. And my eyes are filled with happy tears. Not because of RockWiz though – even if it IS a good show.
Now, I’m all teary because I had this sudden spirit calling – to open the doors of the Goddess Circle to the Creative Goddess e-Course Goddesses – six days before the course begins. To give the Goddesses space to set up, and get comfortable, and begin connecting with each other in sacred circle space before the e-Course begins.
And I’m sitting here, watching the Goddesses begin to pile into the Circle. One by one. Each, a beautiful Goddess, with her own amazing soul story. Her own deep wisdom. Her own gifts, laughter, challenges, joys, journey to share. And I wonder just what will be created here. Which Goddesses will hear the words she needs to hear in the story of another Goddess. How each Goddess will be held in sacred space to share her truth and her creativity and her lessons and her magnificence. How not one of us will be the same again.
When women circle, miracles happen.
Teary, Goddess blessings at the wonders of women and their circles tonight…
All my love,
Are you called to be a part of this Creative, Soulful Circle? The Creative Goddess e-Course & Circle begins January 15.