Hello beautiful,
How was your week been? Where has your journey taken you? What blessings have you been gifted? What challenges have you faced? What lessons have you learned? What do you need right now?
It’s Friday. The end of our week’s cycle.
Let’s cosy up on a big purple couch with large mugs of tea, and connect-in and share about our journeys this week.
As always, you can share if you’re called in the Comments Circle.
I’ll start with the challengy bits. The things which are harder to embrace, understand or love. I’m sure they are there for a really big reason, and that I’ll learn the most from them, but sometimes they just feel a bit hard. And challenging. Funny that 😉
My Energy Levels
I’m a happy little buffalo usually. One of those annoying people who doesn’t run out of energy or enthusiasm much. So I’m *still* surprised to find that even with all the healing and rest I’ve been doing lately, I still don’t have my buffalo reserve of energy back yet. That I still need to go slow and be decisive about where I’m going to spend my energy. That I can’t just run all over the countryside whenever I see a new bright flash of creative flowering that I want to devour or tend to. Dammit!
So, I’m still sitting. Still detaching from the doing. Still choosing what I can do.
The lessons of this are:
I finally know what it’s like when people say they have no energy. I just didn’t get it at all. And now I do. And I’m infinitely more compassionate about it.
To sit. Rest. Heal. Detach from doing. Choose what I can do. Give myself what I need.
My darling, darling friend
One of my closest friends and mentors found out she had cancer when I found my lump. While I was getting the all-clear, she was getting radiotherapy. And she still is now, three weeks on. I miss her so much, and really, really want her to be okay. Better than okay actually. I want her to move to Maui and find a hot Hawaiian shaman to marry and run retreats by the Maui ocean so I can come visit her three times a year. At least.
If you can spare healing thoughts or candles for our amazing Hummingbird, I would be so very very grateful. Please remember to visualise her radiantly healthy in a coconut bra beside her hot Hawaiian shaman husband too. I think this is integral to the success – hee hee hee. {Humour about hot shaman husbands is our little Leonie-and-Hummingbird way to deal with big stuff.}
The lessons of this are:
Hot Hawaiian shaman husbands cure everything. {I kid. 🙂 Or do I?}
Anything more lesson-y than that is just a bit too much for me to think about right now, except that I notice:
Leonie reverts to reading Dalai Lama books, saying affirmations out loud in the car and speaking about herself in third person when she’s worried.
Time for some blessings. There are always, always blessings.
My sweet, amazing mama came to stay for three days this week. As I live a bazillion {or maybe two thousand} miles away, this doesn’t happen much. Actually, this was the first time. And it was gooooooooood.

I showed Amma-mama {my nickname for her since we travelled through India together} how to read oracle cards. And we played Wii Tennis together. And rode on bicycles around lakes together. And drummed in tipis with friends. And made chakra bracelets together. And perused bookstores together. And talked about all my favourite hippy books which are now her favourite books too. And lay in bed together, making up big wild ideas together.
I don’t think I’ll write much more, because I’ll start crying.
Needless to say, I adore my mama. She’s an amazing, shining woman and I’m so very very blessed for our love and our friendship.
Taurean Convergance
And the next big huge blessing? The stars lined up for my two favourite Taureans to meet. My darling friend Sone who visited last weekend decided she was coming back into town for a Reiki course with our friend Gini Eagle. So Sone ended up coming back to the cottage to stay, and thus my Taurean BFF and my Taurean mama met at last. And it was a beautiful, beautiful thing.
I get a peculiar delight in introducing people together and watching a connection open. A friend once said I was a “social super-node” who connected other nodes together. That makes me gigglesnort, but I really do have a big heart shaped excitement about it all.
Best thing ever was seeing Sone give a beautiful reading to my Amma-mama, my Amma-mama enthusiastically power-coaching her as we are both apt to do and them connecting over their shared love of nutrition, movement and health as a pathway to the soul. {Are all earthy Taureans the same?}
*happy sigh*
My Taurean women are amazing.
Zen Productive Goodness
I’ve already waxed rhapsodically over Zen to Done, but seriously, that ebook makes my week a whole lot better. Everything just feels a lot clearer, cleaner, simpler and easy with it. I don’t get as frazzled or over-stimulated. I just get my important things done. It feels goooooooood.
Yoga Delight
Four years ago, I found a beautiful little brochure about a Yoga Garden. And I saw the woman’s face on the back and thought “I like her. I’m going to connect with her some day.” A year later, I had my first solo art exhibition, and she was there. A month ago I got told by my guides to do yoga in a class again – and who should I find doing them? Suzanna from Yoga Garden. So every week, I drive out into the country to a house by a river, and watch the sunset through the windows as we do heart-centred yoga. I watch the birds play in the trees, and I know I’ve come home. To myself. To the right place. To my body.
And it’s all so very, very good.
Last night, I found myself searching the bookcase for some wisdom. I found an old book that I hadn’t read in years. I opened it up, and inside was a bookmark I had handmade. It had an angel drawn on it, and a little story about angels I had written six years ago. It was exactly what I needed to hear.
It really, really reminded me that all the wisdom we need is inside us.

Okay darling women! If you’re called, take the talking stick, you can share in the Comments Circle about your week’s journey, and its blessings and lessons.
You are so very, very loved,
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