Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
Today is the launch of “Your Creative Spark” – and I’m so excited to be a part of it and share it with you!
There’s 13 creative divas that have compiled “Your Creative Spark” including Andrea (Superhero) Scher, Jamie (completely wonderful coach) Ridler, Laini (talented out the bazoontai illustrator & author) Taylor, Leah Piken (CreativeEveryday hottie) Kolidas, Jen Lemen (of Jen Lemen fame) and Jennifer (Artizen Coach) Lee. And heaps more. Including me.
“Your Creative Spark” includes:
* three hours of audio interviews (& a creative meditation from me to awaken the flow of creativity into your hands)
* over 100 pages of ebooks & treats.
It’s a really wonderful support package for creative goddesses & wannabe creative goddesses – a package to open and keep reopening when you get any blocks, fears, resistances or just want to create already!
To get $10 off the price, just use the discount code “celebrate” when you order before middle-of-da-night, Sunday April 15. Wahoo!
You can check it out and order your own little creative-coach-in-your-pocket here.
Have a precious, shining day Goddess!
You are so loved,

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