Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
A delicious fun creative goddess project for your weekend… PIMP YOUR PINBOARD!
We’ve had a brown cork pinboard for years now… and it was kind of boring & I hid it out of the way… until I realised I could turn it into a work of art that was delicious to look at AND functional! 🙂
First I got out Mr Boring Blanky pinboard… and a box of scrap paper that I fill with wrapping paper, paint chips, prayer flags, tissue paper – anything I get given gets stored.
I used PVA glue to stick it all down all mixmatched… I didn’t really think about how I should do it.
And I love how spirit + creativity + “mistakes” work together. I was going to collage the whole board… but I ran out of glue.
So I turned to paint instead!
The mish-mash of collage papers reminded me of a landscape, so I decided to paint a sky above it.
Once the sky was painted, I employed the Hottest Man in the World (who just happens to also be a talented spirit artist) to paint one of his beautiful spirit people into the sky….
I adore him….

So that’s your mission… should you choose to accept it 😉
Pimp your pinboard like a goddess! Make your home your own sacred haven of colour and loveliness…
big love!