Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
It’s Sunday! Hurrah! Creative Goddess Sunday.
On Sundays, when I’m not out mermaid-ing it up, I post Creative Goddess sharings, and other goddess joys.
And it’s Sunday.
And I’ve managed to post. Which means I’ve either completed mermaid-ing missions, or am having a mermaid-chill at home day. Today is option one. Me & Merman Love of My Life woke up *ahem* way late for a very important date today. Which I can blame totally on staying up till midnight last night to watch a kid’s movie. I really, really heart kid’s movies. Last night’s one was Voyage of the Unicorn. It held the beautiful message: that to believe is then to see, not to see then believe. Anyway, I adore kid’s movies. And I’m totally going off topic.
So we woke up late because of the unicorn. And we arrived late. And there, standing on the bridge, looking out over the sky are two of my oldest friends. We met all those years ago in boarding school. One I haven’t seen in ten years. One who’d decided to follow my awesome example and move to this gorgeous city in the mountains.
Together we went into the National Gallery of Australia to see the Degas exhibition. Dark charcoalish prints. Ballerinas in spashes of paint. Muddy forms into sculptures. Chris’ gentle presence beside me. My old friends. And then a sumptuous lunch at BookPlate. And looking around at our wee table, I’m amazed at just how little things change. Our sixteen year old selves are still true, we just seem a little softer now. A little more kind to ourselves. It seems the years slough away rough edges. I wonder just how smooooth I will be at eighty.
So all in all, it was a beautiful, precious day. Artwork to fall into the delicious colours of. Old friends to fall into comfortable step with. Old love that is newer and deeper and richer to fall into everyday.
And now the Creative delights…
Hurrah! I’m loving sharing with you some of my creative stockpile. At the end of last year I was so wild busy with orders that I think I could go another year just showing some of it! Gotta love that 🙂
So this is an artwork that was commissioned last year by a gorgeous blogging goddess for another gorgeous blogging goddess. I loved painting it: rainbow stars. Wild patterned skirt. Words to celebrate a precious soul.
And I just thought for something crazy and wild today…
let’s do something special!
Can you guess who the Goddess is in this Soul Story?

hee hee! Can’t wait to see if someone gets it!
Precious precious days.
Precious precious you and me.
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