Tomorrow is my darling friend Deb’s 40th birthday…
so me and the ever lush Lile made a little adventure for her to go on!
*hee hee hee*
By way of introduction, Deb is a goddess who works on the same floor as Lile and me. She has become such a dear friend, and I have learnt so much just by being in her presence. She is the greatest listener, has the most beautiful open heart, is understanding, compassionate, intuitive, oh~so~spiritual, and is the most succulent real life woman I know.
So today was to honour the special presence she is in our lives…
We got to work early, and proceeded drawing a trail of love hearts and angels in chalk on sidewalks across the city to a park…

then we put together a little “Adventure Pack” for her…

It had two small affirmation cards, some sesame snaps for the walk, a furry diamante tiara with fairy lights to wear on the walk, a map of coded directions to find the *treasure*, a twig we called the “Adventure Walking Stick” and a CD player with her favourite CD on to listen to on the walk. We gave this to her at noon and told her she was allowed to open it, and follow the instructions in it in seven minutes.
We left to get ahead and set up… a surprise picnic for her, in a relatively unknown park in the centre of the city. It is a massive roundabout, with three lanes of traffic going all the way around it, but in the centre is a forest ~ you feel quite secluded, and away from it all… just beautiful! It looks over the lake and Parliament House in the distance…
We waited for sight of Deb before coming out from behind the trees as a welcoming party…
We had a picnic set up for her, with salads and sparkling apple juice and caramel slice and a rug on the grass with candles and angel and SARK cards…
Deb is just such a beautiful soul… looking radiant in her princess tiara reading her SARK cards!
We made her hand made presents to honour her inner goddess…
Lile’s handmade candles with pressed flowers were breathtakingly beautiful…
I painted a goddess portrait for her… Deb is just such an open hearted wondrous one I wanted something to paint her something whimsical and magical…
We ate, and lazed in the sun…
Me, Lile and Deb.
We blew on dandelions and made wishes…
It was a lovely lunch in the sun… filled with laughter, and words, and misty~eyed~ness, and joy…
Happy birthday dearest Deb.
You are the rarest of roses
and your blossoming is wondrous!
On our way back to work… Going up please Mr Elevator!
What a wonderful day.
And what a wonder to have friends such as these!
So many blessings ~ green grass, dandelions, wondrous friends, beautiful things, blue sky, and a surprise adventure picnic…