Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
Here’s a post I wrote while I was still pregnacious on the goodies I loved… hope this is helpful to other pregnacious goddesses!
I like to keep things as simple as possible… but here is a list of some of the things that have made being a pregnacious goddess much, much lovelier & easier!
Being pregnacious is one of the biggest soul/physical/emotional transformations women take… these goodies are such a helpful support for me.
I hope they are just as gorgeous & useful for you…
Growing Belly Tea

The lovely Nikiah from Mama Goddess Birth Shop sent me a little congratulations package when I became pregnacious – it included some Mama Goddess Growing Belly tea & Calming Spritzer sprays.
Can I just say that herbs really can help your body prepare for birth and helping your milk come in?
Herbs are a good good thing.
Body pillow

Chris gave me one of these pillows for my birthday & they make for happy nights… they help keep your hips pain-free as they begin to stretch and pull… and you can also scaffold the blossoming bel-bel on it so you don’t get that squished feeling… especially when back-sleeping isn’t comfy anymore.
Me & little mermaid double high-five body pillows.
Soothing (calming spritzer)

Calming Spritzer
I spray it on my face and in our bedroom. Delish and refreshing.
Wheat heat packs
If I could marry my wheat heat pack, I would.
Warm and comforting – and it really soothes back, hip and leg pains. Plus, during cooler months, pop one on your feet to help your body temperature stabilise.
I’ve used it a few times on my belly when it’s doing its stretchy thing – but am careful to make sure I don’t get lil mermaid’s playground too warm for her.
Wheat heat packs = heavenly.
Plus, I’ve already created a basket to take to the Birth Centre with us of essential goodies, and these babies are definitely going in there!
Belly oil or cream
I’ve been a-hunting for my favourite oil/cream to keep my belly all hydrated and stretch-mark-less as possible.
I’ve tried Baby Organics’ Pregnant Belly Oil – it’s nice and hydrating, but doesn’t have a scrumptious smell and is a little bit oily (funny that). It’s not a deal-breaker – I still have it, and will use it when I run out of other stuff… but I haven’t gotten obsessive over it.

I’m currently obsessed over Moo Goo – a cow’s milk moisturiser. It’s made here in Australia, and I’m currently powering my way through a big tub of its white creamy goodness. It smells a little bit milky, but it reminds me of growing up on my family’s farm, and watching my dad milk our cows each morning. It’s somewhat nurturing for me.

A’kin Lavendar & Geranium Body Moist and

Alba Botanica Kukui Nut Body Cream.
Whatever cream ends up being the right texture and smell and scrumptiousness for you is gorgeous. Apparently creams with Vitamin E is especially good for helping skin grow and stretch without marks.
The Art of Extreme Self-Care by Cheryl Richardson
The Pregnant Woman’s Comfort Book: A Self-Nurturing Guide to Your Emotional Well-Being During Pregnancy and Early Motherhood by Jennifer Louden
Post-birthing add-on…
Birthing Meditation Programs

I will definitely credit these for making our birth what it was. Whether it is CalmBirth, Hypnobirth or Hypnobabies… do it. A workshop if you can. Listen to the meditations as much as possible.
I did two CalmBirth weekend workshops and listened to their meditations. I also used Hypnobabies’ Turn Breech Baby meditation when Starry went on her two northern adventures and their Come Out Baby meditation when my waters broke. Incredibly powerful and definitely helped me soothe my pregnacious goddess nerves…
What about you dearest? What worked for you?
big heart love,


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