Dear darlingest Goddess You,
Again I have foraged in ze forests of ze internets to find you juicy berries of succulence!
Here’s all the goodies from my basket…

This is the most beautiful thing on earth… a gorgeous goddess sent me this picture drawn by Goddess-in-Training Paige (age 6) for “Goddess Lady with a baby in her tummy”…
Young Me Now Me photo collection is compelling & beautiful. We just don’t change that much at all…
Sacred Womb Artistry = precious pregnacious goddess photography.
Goddess Marissa is one of the email fairies here at Goddess Guidebook. I adore her a whole bundle, and especially this zen-emailifying philosophy.

My beautiful Goddess friend Marika makes the most beautiful belly castings…
And now for something completely different… these girls are just so gorgeous & vibrant! Love love LOVE this! {Not safe for work viewing}
And I really love this Spicy Princess article on Bedsharing with children & Sex… it can be so hard to find thoughtful, wonderful articles on this!

This is a beautiful story about singing a child’s soul song from Earth Mama’s Web
If you are still working out WordPress to create a website for your big dream, I can muchos recommend the Digging into WordPress ebook!

And I opened an email to find THIS gem of a photo… it lit me up. The gorgeous Goddess Lori wrote: Thank you for the 2010 Goddess Workbook. I printed mine yesterday and my daughter Stella, who is 3, wanted one of her own, so I had her pick her favorite pages and printed them for her. We had so much fun finding ribbons to tie hers up with and she put beautiful stickers on every page. We talked about dreams and the importance of nurturing them, writing them down and playing with them. I was amazed that we spent a couple of hours on creating our journals. She even slept with hers under her pillow last night!
Love it so much!
Have I ever told you I am in love with James Taylor? Always have been. Always will be.
And this makes me howl with laughter… gosh I love being Australian.
Found anything scrumptious/inspiring/divine/yummy lately?
Show me show me show me!
you make birds sing,

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