Hola baberoonies,
I got to thinking one day…
About how once upon a time, I used to be a broke hippy artist who had big dreams and NO CLUE about how to actually make them happen. I felt like I was without a paddle, without a sail, without the power to navigate the river of life according to my own will.
I kept on telling myself:
“If it’s meant to be, it will find a way…”
“It’s in the stars…”
“Whatever the universe has in store for me….”
We hippies – we have some fucking great-sounding excuses sometimes.
Anything that stops us from moving into our own power, aligning our actions with our intentions + getting our dreams birthed into the world.
10 years ago, I was in a cubicle job and was aching to do something else with my one wild, precious life. I was broke, in a house I didn’t love, and I felt unfulfilled and controlled by the circumstances of life.
Today – as you probably already know – I’m the CEO of a high-profit multi-million dollar company. I adore what I do in the world and will be doing it for the rest of my life. Writing and making art and learning and teaching? That’s the coolest bloody job in the world! I’m financially abundant, get to give cash to some amazing charities, and I’ve been able to craft a lifestyle for my family that fits us best. We’ve spent the last five years “on holiday” – living in beautiful places around Australia, working part-time in my company so I can spend the most amount of my time running after my wild elvin children and perving on the hot husbo. I’m grateful for it all, and I’m grateful for me for creating it. And I know I can create whatever else I want in the world!

Hahahahahahaha… I tried to find you the best photo
I could of me from ten years ago
and I am left with two thoughts:
1.) I am rad. I love me. Even when I had some mindset habits to transform!
2.) I find it kind of hard to find photos of me from back then that are different from today’s photos of me. Once a bonkerdoodles queen, always a bonkerdoodles queen!
So – here’s the thing:
I look back at who I was 10 years ago… in so many ways I am so very different to who I was then.
My habits and my mindset are profoundly different.
And it is NOT the success and the money that has changed them.
Rather – it is because *I* changed my internal pieces that the external parts changed and bloomed and grew.
I remember so profoundly what I used to think about myself and about how life worked and what money was…
and the parts where I was – frankly – wrong.
And I wanted to open up the discussion.
We so often talk about success habits…
but we don’t always talk about the habits that bring us failure… that stop us from birthing our dreams into the world.
And I reckon we need to talk about them – so we can see them when they are happening – and stop them sooner.
So I’m going to run share this FREE workshop training with you!
In this fabulous training, you will learn:
- My intimate behind-the-scenes story of how I went from broke hippy to millionaire creative.
- The bad habits I had that were blocking success & abundance (you’re probably doing these too!)
- The stupidly ridiculous mistakes I made.
- The essential mindset shifts that supercharged my success.
- Exactly what you need to do to supercharge yours!
Sign up here!

Is this just for business people?
Nope. This is for anyone who wants to make their dreams come true.
Are you going to tell me the secret to success is working harder and getting up at 5am?
Oh fuck no. I hate 5am. Well – to be fair – I love 5am as long as I’m sleeping through it.
Also… I am not a “JUST HUSTLE MORE!” kinda gal. I work part-time in my company. I take nights and weekends off. I like my play time. And I also like 9 hours of sleep at night. I reckon you CAN birth your dreams WITHOUT sacrificing sleep or sanity. Or life. That one wild, precious life.
Are you going to sell me on anything?
Nope. Can’t be fucked. I just like to share.
Snag your ticket here!
Big love to you all!