Hi kittens!
Exciting news! We’ve got a brand new FREE training coming your way later this month!
Have you fallen off the workbook wagon and just can’t get back up?
I know, I know. It’s August already and you’re just thinking that maybe you should just wait until next year to start planning for your future…
Maybe you’re feeling guilty that you haven’t ticked over more than 5 things off your top 100 things to do list…
Well… I’ve got exactly the thing for you. I’m giving you (and all your workbook friends!) a free training on how to get back on track and get productive results from the last half of 2016!
In this webinar, you’ll learn…
- Exactly how to get back on track in 2016.
- The reasons you’ve probably lost sight of your goals – and how to reverse them!
- How to re-amp your motivation when your mojo well has run dry.
- The exact steps you need to take TODAY to make the most of the rest of 2016 and make MORE of your goals come true each and every month!
- The coveted step-by-step goals success plan I use to keep myself on track + build a multi-million dollar success story.
Join us Monday, September 5th at 2:00pm US PST / Tuesday, September 6th at 7:00am Canberra (handy timezone converter here!)
Sign up here!

I can’t make that time. Will you be recording?
Yes. Just sign up and we’ll send it to you.
How do I get the recording?
Just sign up now and we’ll send it to you as soon as it’s released!
Are you going to sell me on anything?
Nope. Can’t be fucked. I just like to share.
Can’t wait to help you get back on the workbook wagon!

P.S. Even if you can’t make it live, make sure you sign up here to snag the replay!
P.P.S. PLEASE do share it along with friends… the world needs MORE women who are making their dreams come true!
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