Hola gorgeous goddesses!
It’s art sharing day! Hurrah! Here’s where I get to share some of the recent artworks celebrating beautiful souls from all around the planet.
A couple of months ago, a wonderful woman emailed me, asking me to create a special artwork for her daughter’s 21st birthday. So we worked together to create this Goddess in You painting for her beautiful Amanda.

It was so so SO beautiful to create this, as a birthday gift to remind Amanda about her beautiful shining soul.
I woke up today to this lovely email from her mama…
“Amanda absolutely loved her painting, thank you so much!! And everyone else who saw it thought it was beautiful also. I hope you are well and wish you a fantastic Christmas and New Year. Will be in touch again for another one of your lovely creations.”

I took this happy snap of me with the artwork before I sent it. 🙂 You can see all the glitter and gold and sparkles muchos better in this pic for some reason.
And a little note from the journey…
I’ve talked a little bit over the past week or so about how much I’ve been learning about being gentle with myself and my energy. I talked about giving myself permission to be, and permission to watch as many romantic comedy movies as I can. I’m so happy to say that I have been extra-extra gentle the last few days, recuperating and watching half a dozen of my favourite movies including You’ve Got Mail, The Kid, Speechless and Outsourced. Good times, good times.
I hope you’re being gentle with you today…
and giving you exactly what you need.

Off to watch another movie on the couch.
I feel like all this energy-storing up must be for the launch of a Goddess ship in January – the Creative Goddess e-course & circle. Are you on board for the creative gathering? Maybe it will be a cruise liner ship instead of one you have to work at. It’ll just flow, and all you have to do is turn up for it. I like boat analogies.