Hola gorgeous goddesses!
It’s that day of the week again… yippee!
A celebration & ho-down of all things good and wise and lovely and goddess inspiring.
Have you been looking forward to it?
Let’s start with some sweet music… thanks to the glorious Weepies!

This picture by StoryPeople. I think we can all relate, yus?
Do fewer things. Do them better. Those six words are a healing balm right there.

Abstract art projects for kidliwinks care of Design Mom. I love love love art projects for kids… *I* want to do them, ya know?
Speaking of which, this little mermaid of mine is already into the paints.

The other morning we woke up, and the first thing she did was crawl out to the verandah where we’d left a canvas, pick up a paintbrush and start brushing away.
And this is what happens when you let babes play with your box of paints while you attempt to get your own painting in:

I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again. Fuscia smeared baby feet = joy!!!

I’ve been adoring reading the book 5 Wishes. Do check out the 20 minute short film based on it!
I was a guest poster on Tiny Buddha this week! YAY! 8 Ways to Make Meditation Easy & Fun!

Loved this buffalo portrait (of course) from the Animals Face to Face series by Stefano Unterthiner.
Ella Risebrow’s Spirit paintings give me the most beautiful of shivers. Website here, Facebook here. I love how she SEES people, ya know?
Thanks to the eternal explorer Sarah Wilson: How my Slouch is Making Me Sad & How to quit sugar.

A snow mermaid in Brooklyn! Be still my beating heart!
Heal Thyself. I’m always muchos intrigued by anyone who retrains their eyes and throws away their glasses. Maybe because I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 10?
I keep running into this magical music goddess by the sea: Jessica Irvine. She’s lovely & her music is scrumptious!

This magical painting by Creative Everyday Leah.
Learn the lesson of the elders, and just be joyful, danggit. Be a glad sentinel, on the lookout for good.
Even Psychology Today agrees: one of the five tips to increasing resilience is to be grateful & hopeful.
Business Goddess Corner
The Future of Blogs is Paid Access. I always love when these discussions come up, with so many ideas and possibilities of how to earn gorgeous dobleros, have a ding dang divine time AND help people. Free blogs will always be around. But micro products? They are exciting. Way of da future, baybee!
How to throw a kicking resource party. I totally believe in the powers of groups to make things happen. Whether it’s a resource party or a mastermind group or a Business Goddess Circle – we can get shinier, more productive & wiser when we can help and be helped by others.
Oh! And just this morning I was holed up in our laundry during a monsoonal downpour, doing a video interview for the Right Brainers in Business Summit. It’s free & is glorious… perfecto for creative business owners.
AND I should mention because I get asked every single week and now I’ve mentioned business stuff I’ll get asked again – when ze Business Goddess e-course is coming out… it’s coming, it’s coming! As fast as my little ducky legs can paddle!
Instead of this, consider that. My gorgeous & wise friend Copylicious Kelly shares about options. It’s kinda business-y, but it’s also a whole lotta about life.
I’ve been dreaming of a sweet little cabin for our backyard for my goddess playground & art studio, and my love’s office. These two are a bit cute.
Mama Goddess Corner
Nursing You by Erica Jong is the most stunning poem. Makes me weep. See:
On the first night
of the full moon,
the primeval sack of ocean
& I gave birth to you
little woman,
little carrot top,
little turned-up nose,
pushing you out of myself
as my mother
me out of herself,
as her mother did,
& her mother’s mother before her,
all of us born
of woman.
My darling friend Kim sent me this: All my babies are gone now.

I so wish I’d found these adorable artist baby maternity singlets when I was still all gorgeously with chile!
Confessions of a progressive mama: I sleep-trained my baby. I love this honest sharing. More & more I realise that there isn’t one right way to raise children… just with as much love and joy as you can create for the whole family.
Video Goddess
Dude is a ukelele MAESTRO!
And I’ve been teaching myself herbs by watching Susun Weed videos on YouTube. Above & below is two of my fave interviews.
My love keeps playing this song. And it’s super, super catchy. Not to mention a beautifully illustrated video clip!
Okay my loves!
Is your cup brimming over with inspiration yet?
Go let it out… create, love, dance, explore…
And if you found morsels of inspiration in this post… do share it along!
May you have an incredibly magical day, dearest heart…
love love love, moonbeams & raindance!