Blossom, let me shower you with free stuff!
Hi beautiful, I’m Leonie
Hi beautiful,
I’m Leonie
International best-selling author of the My Brilliant Year workbooks, self-made multi-millionaire and online business mentor.
I know there are big dreams inside of you waiting to be released. You dream of another life – one that includes more freedom, more abundance, more wild creativity. There’s a song in you that hasn’t been sung yet.
You’ve been talking about your ideas for fucking yearrrrrs. But you’ve struggled with getting them out there. I’m here to help. I can teach you everything I know about creating success soulfully. Consider me your cheerleader & loving buttkicker!
40 Days to create
& Sell Your E-course
40 Days To Create + Sell Your E-course
Are you still fucking about, NOT getting your e-course done?
Or are you not sure how to create the tech behind it?
Or have you created an e-course but not getting the sales you want from it?
In the space of 40 days, you are going to get your e-course DONE. And master the tech like a pro. And start SELLING it like crazy.
This is accountability, tech + marketing advice on SPEED.
Sales Star
Sales Star Masterclass
Consider this program an essential business success building block.
In order to succeed in business you MUST learn how to sell, and do it well.
Sales Star is my much-requested long-awaited sales training:
- how to turn your writing into a straight-up money PRINTER! Write yourself some more cash!
- the sales checklists & templates I use in my own business
- behind the scenes in selling over $14m in 10 hours a week
- create powerful, magnetic sales pages that make you MORE $$$
- things to fix INSTANTLY to start earning more.
Essential for new + mature business owners alike.
Money, Manifesting
& Multiple Streams of income
Money, Manifesting + Multiple Streams of Income
Want to know how I've built a multi-million dollar net worth?
Want to grow your own income and savings with joy and consciousness?
Join me on this practical, inspiring and FUN 4 week journey to transform your financial destiny.
ADHD + ASD: Business & Productivity Success
When you discover you are neurodivergent, your whole life changes in a moment. Suddenly, you realise why trying to do things the “normal” way doesn’t work for you AT ALL.
The last few years especially has seen an explosion of awareness as so many people discovered their diagnosis. It can sometimes leave you a little unsteady and unsure.
I completely get it. I’m a late diagnosed ASD & ADHD hottie myself. Here’s what I know for sure: Our dreams are still 100% doable and achievable. That we can still create and achieve in a way that works WITH our unique brains and bodies, not against them!
There are SO many gifts that comes from having a differently wired brain. I’m here to help you harness those gifts and turbocharge them into GOLD!
This workshop will give you all my tried & true strategies, hacks & systems to help you turbocharge your business and productivity.
Midas Touch
Midas Touch is about cultivating the right mindset for success, for turning everything you touch into wisdom and abundance.
It will teach how to perservere when things are hard or rough or painful.
How to believe again, in your own power and magnificence, when your eyes have become covered in grime.
How to rekindle your light so you may make the world ablaze.
How money and fortune is made, starting with the stories you tell inside your mind.
How to turn everything you touch into gold.
How to Create Digital Art
Learn how to create whimsical, colourful digital illustrations with Leonie Dawson!
We cover:
- Tools & apps I use
- Turning your handwriting into your own font
- How to turn your digital art into books, prints & eBooks
- and MORE!
How to Hire & Manage a VA
I’ve bundled together everything I know about hiring and managing virtual assistants to make it as easy as possible for you to get the help you need to grow that big, beautiful business of yours.
This training is ESSENTIAL if you’re thinking of hiring a VA… or already have one & need help on how to make sure it makes YOU money, instead of costing you big time!
Get Organised!
This course is for you if:
- You feel perpetually overwhelmed & need to get organised but don't know where to begin
- You have big dreams but don't know how on earth you can achieve them
- You want to grow your biz but it already feels so disorganised
- You're longing for sane, simple solutions to getting organised
Work Less, Earn More
Are you ready to work less without taking a pay cut?
Whenever I tell people I’ve created over $14 million in revenue, while only ever working 10 hours a week, the response is always the same:
“HOW??????? HOW DO YOU DO THAT??????”
This workshop is my answer. In it, I’m going to take you through everything I know about creating a high income, low work business and how you can do the same.
Behind The Scenes of a Multi-Millionaire's Money
This mini-workshop is only $7!
In it, I share all the juicy deets including:
- My networth, current income streams and what I invest in
- My retirement plan + how I track my income goalsand MORE!
Marketing Without Social Media
Sick of feeling like social media owns you?
We're all HUNGERING for ways to grow our businesses WITHOUT it costing us our time, money, joy, self esteem and inner peace.
I'm here to tell you there ARE smart, savvy and super profitable ways to market your business WITHOUT social media!
Cash Crunch
The RIDICULOUSLY popular FREE workshop on how to make more money & save more money even when times are tough.
This workshop covers reducing expenses, increasing income, what to do when times are tight and SO much more. It’s my most popular webinar to date and we are STILL getting phenomenal feedback for it.
40 Days To A
Finished Book
40 Days To A Finished Book e-course
Want to get your book written, finished and out in the world, doing what it’s supposed to be doing?
- helping the people it is meant to
- giving you expert status
- bringing you new clients & customers
- giving you an extra income stream?
Learn the book writing + book marketing success secrets from an internationally best-selling author who has sold over a million dollars in books!
The My Brilliant Year Workbooks
The uber popular, redesigned My Brilliant Year Workbooks (formerly known as the Goal Getter workbooks) are back for the sixteenth year, readily anticipated by over 500,000+ party peeps who use it each year to create their own amazing lives and businesses with HUGE results.
Order your physical copies (paperback and hardcover) via Amazon or download the digital version immediately.
Get your life, biz, week and day-to-day life shining!
It’s time to take your goals off the backburner and be the glorious human you know you are.
The Ultimate Digital Christmas Planner
Get organised & enjoy a calm, chaos-free Christmas with this gorgeously illustrated digital planner from internationally best-selling author & illustrator Leonie Dawson.
It includes 30+ pages of:
+ Budget planner
+ Menu planning
+ Present planning
+ Gift card address list
+ Xmas travel planner
+ Important Dates planner
What women are saying
I think this is a must have if you want to create an amazing year.
“Doing some of the exercises has really helped me stretch myself beyond my comfort zone and allowed me to achieve some really crazy goals for myself. Leonie puts so much love and care into everything she does.”
Denise Duffield Thomas, Lucky Bitch
Leonie’s workbooks are SO Powerful!
“I have used them every year for the last eight years. I gush about them all the time. Whatever I put in these workbooks ends up becoming destiny. I cannot recommend them enough.”
Hibiscus Moon, Author + Crystal Expert
It’s amazing, the things I write in here actually come true!
“I love these workbooks and have used them for years for my life and business. I love them. I love Leonie. I love all her work! I highly recommend them.”
Nathalie Lussier, Entrepreneur,
Ambition Ally
Latest from my blog
Brave New Girl Podcast – Dreaming big for ourselves, our communities, & our planet
Creative Magic Podcast – Everything is Colour
Dear Diary: Leonie’s 1500km+ Aussie roadtrip!
Leonie’s Best Books 2024
The Goals Workbook Competition is BACK!!!
Period Besties Podcast – Magically Neurodiverse
My Story
I want you to know that you are NOT alone and every one of your beautiful dreams ARE possible.
I’ve brought in over $14 million in revenue while only working 10 hours a week. I’m a best-selling author and self-made multi-millionaire, and I’ve been blogging since 2004. I’m a passionate philanthropist. I adore that I’ve been able to create a crazy abundant creative business while still being a present mama to my two kids.