Hola gorgeous goddesses!
This week I’ve been: going to emergency for mastitis, resting resting resting, roses from my dad on Valentine’s Day, sitting on a dear cousin’s farm talking as the sunset, watching my daughter grow grow grow bloom bloom bloom ~ she’s now mimicking sounds like “hello!” and “charlie!” and standing like a champion, writing writing writing ze upcoming Business Goddess course, going bird shopping with my grandmother & doing romantic comedy marathon sessions.
Oh, and loving on a lilac-muffet-hatted mini goddess.

A big, full, fruity week.
Time to celebrate it with some Goddess Inspiration… all ze goodies I have found for you around ze interwebs this week! YIPPEEEE!

I can really imagine myself living here. (via picstexted.com)
Liz’s beautiful sharings about healing and being present with her birth story.

Oooh! Make letters & envelopes without glue or scissors on Letterfu… downloadable & printable cute templates for penpally goodness!!!

Album Covers Mix & Match is el brillianto!

This photo is magical. I want to sit here.
Thanks to Sarah Wilson: About creating in small blocks of time.

This is one truly exquisite artwork (by Epheriell Designs)
Two of my lovely friends are putting together ze Profitable Idealism summit!

Two relationship posts on Happiest Mom (loving her!!!): Change your marriage by changing yourself & Love your love life.
I think most of us are basically good people, partnered with basically good people, who misunderstand each other and make mistakes. Having young children adds a lot of stress and highlights those misunderstandings and mistakes…
As in life, as in motherhood, we are not victims of our relationships. We have choices to make every day about the way we interact with our spouses, the way we choose to either build up or undermine our own relationships. And having been on the other side of the fence, I know the grass is rarely greener. It’s so much better, for everyone, if you can find a way to tend the grass you’ve got.
And another inspiring relationship thingy from this week… I love this ode that Dooce wrote about her husband:
I feel really lucky to have this man in my life and want to thank him for doing the work it requires to be together, for being willing to change and being willing to forgive. Our marriage is a constant work in progress.

Gorgeous goddess circle sister of ze pink aflame hair Goddess Kristina blogged about her 2011 workbook.
Here’s some of her magical pages…

Sit outside in the rain. I forget how good that is.
I have no idea what pumpkin butter is, but I LOVE IT ALREADY.
Lavendar Vanilla Sleep Mist. Yes.
I don’t know about you, but I just feel so peaceful & safe reading her medicine bag of tools.
These are good, good things.

And I nearly cried with relief & YES-ness & ME TOOOO-ness at reading her words:
I want to invite into my life
Women who inspire me with their stories and dreams
Women who share joyfully
Women who find beauty

Loving Oracle Fox’s photofashionblog.

Love this online oracle made from images of crop circles. Beautiful, simple messages!
Speaking of oracles, let’s consult ze original oracle… The Tao of Pooh!
Let’s have a Pooh Tao quote for the day! Yippee!!!
“Say, Pooh, why aren’t you busy?” I said.
“Because it’s a nice day,” said Pooh.
“But you could be doing something Important,” I said.
“I am,” said Pooh.
“Oh? Doing what?”
“Listening,” he said.
“Listening to what?”
“To the birds. And that squirrel over there.”
“What are they saying?” I asked.
“That it’s a nice day,” said Pooh.
“But you know that already,” I said.
“Yes, but it’s always good to hear that somebody else thinks so, too,” he said.
Aaaand let’s make it an oracle trifecta! Go get your tea leaves read!

Oh my eyes are so happy to look at pictures of sketchbook pages. It’s like peeping into an artist’s diary.
Less is more: making the most of small spaces. These setups bend my brain in the loveliest of ways.
I’m licking my fingers over all these delights…
May they fill you up, incite a glow inside you… and make you remember just how magnificent you are, dearest.
love love LOVE! and buffalos!