Hola my darlinghearts!!!
It has been roughly WAY TOO LONG since a Goddess Inspiration post.
I have 25 minutes before I totes need to be in bed for muchos needed beauty sleep.
So let’s do a speed edition of Goddess Inspiration, and see how much we can get done, riiiight?
Go go go go go GO!

P.S. I love you :: Karen Maezen Miller is 100% magical.

These photos of Glastonbury (AVALON!!!) by Erin Faith Allen are also 100% magical.
Ever wanted to live here in tropical paradise? Come live at our retreat!!!!!!!
Let’s start making all our words uber loopy, glitter strewn & love soaked, mmmkaysies. Read this delicious ode by unicorn sister Alex of da Franzen.

Yum yum yum. Watercolour strewn light by Tina Darling.

Giant Color Pencils in the Forest. Oh all my sweet dreams come TRUE!!!!
My AMAZING goddess sister Meg is running Dancing Mamas Tribe in Halifax, Canada and YOU NEED TO GO.

I want… nay NEED… to sleep in this bed.

Thanks to my adorable ex-cubicle boss:
Especially Frida Kahlo ones.

On Creative Living, thanks to dat hottie Sarah Wilson.
Go get the ConnectionFesto free ebook by my beyootiful goddess sister Maya. Hands down, it’s one of the most profound and SIMPLE things I’ve read about relationships and energy.
Trapped in an Elevator with a Toddler … For 41 Seconds! has me hysterically laughing and wheezing. GO.WATCH.NOW.

Tina Fey on just getting started – no qualifications needed! via lovely Julia.
Guest posting Goddess

I’m going to be one of the Dream DOers interviewed in SARK’s new e-course!!! OMG!!!!
I thought I wasn’t Beautiful :: on Kind over Matter
I was interviewed as Blogger of the Week :: by e-junkie!!! WOOOT!
Ostara & the miracle of a Rabbit :: on beautiful Stevie’s magical blog
30 Days of Beauty :: on Jen’s Smiling Heart
How to celebrate your own birthday :: on Andrea Stern’s bloggity woggity shmoggity WOO!
Goddess Terri Fisher has a Listen project at the moment. Utter beauty. And she asked me to contribute.
This is what poured forth:
Video Goddess
This is beautiful & magical. I love how Neil Gaiman’s work has that transcendental kinda quality.
Phew!!! That was like speed dating!!! But with more inspiration! And links! Sequins! Love!!!
I’m off to bed dearest… there is SOSOSOSOSO much happening in this world of mine… finishing up the Business Goddess e-course ready for May 1 opening… hand painting a Cowgirl’s Guide To Riding Wild Donkeys ebook with my little mermaid daughter… and I had a stall at the NQ Spiritual Festival all weekend… we had our FIRST EARTHQUAKE EVER!!!! here in Proserpine… I am healing up my second chest infection in two weeks with divine acupuncture and hideously untasty but effective herbs… and generally just holding the balance so life doesn’t tip from busy into nutty & unrested.
But you know what? Right here, right now… I most of all want you to know I am grateful.
And I am honoured to be here, doing this work, shining this light.
I am so grateful to have you as part of my goddess tribe.
I love you with all my heart & believe in you beyond measure,