This is another one of the Soul Stories I was up until midnight creating just before I left for uber amazing holidays. And I just gotta say… if it’s making art and rainbows and blessings and love, I’ll stay up till midnight anytime to do it 🙂
This Soul Story custom art was commissioned by the darling Magpie Girl {who I’m a huge fan of!} for her dear friend Jen Lemen‘s birthday {who I’m also a mega fan of!}Â It is such an honour and a blessing to be a part of a gifting that celebrates the spirit, soul and story of that person. I think that’s what we all desire on some level – to be seen for our beauty and our gifts. *happy splish splash* So I love love LOVE being a part of this.
And if this didn’t make me *happy splish splash* enough… the gorgeous Jen Facebooked me this morning and said…
“i love this commission so much leonie! it totally and completely made my year!”
*about a thousand more happy splish splashes from leonie*
If you want to order your own Soul Story, or order one for dearheart friends & family for birthdays or Christmas, just point your mousey here.
In the next couple of days I’ll be answering Frequently Asked Questions about creativity & spirituality & all those good things ~ if you’ve got any questions, let me know sweetcheeks.
Wishing you a dear & deep day,
with lots of love