Goddess Kathryn… aka the ROCKINGEST KNOXY ordered her own Soul Story custom art in her favourite autumny colours… I so loved creating it for her… she is such a gorgeous, warm, spirited and loving soul… love you girl!
I so hope it reminds you just what a beautiful spirit you are… and just how much GORGEOUS GOODNESS is coming to you right now. Can you smell it? I think it smells like pumpkin spice candles and Dave Grohl’s aftershave, no? hee hee hee… {For those playing at home, the smell of those two concoctions is Knoxy’s version of heaven}
Ordering your own Soul Story custom art
You can order your own Soul Story custom art here. It’s paint day today, so an awesome time to get your orders in! 🙂 hee hee hee!
Do you have any questions to ask me?
Ooooh! One more thing…
In the next couple of days I’ll be writing a blog post answering some frequently asked questions from readers… these can be anything from spirituality to creativity to joy… if you have a question you’d like me to answer, leave a comment, and I will answer it as best I can 🙂
Love & love & LOVE to you all,