Hola gorgeous Goddess!
So, there was this thing we used to do… that was a little Goddess Guidebook ritual. Where every week, we’d do a scrumptious Goddess Journey check-in… and share about our blessings & challenges… and where our amazing paths had taken us over the week.
And then I got pregnant six months ago, and my world got transformed in the most beautiful and profound of ways in an instant. And I forgot to keep checking in!
How is this for a little premonitionary… my last check-in post was a week before I found out I was pregnant.
And in it, I was writing about how I’d given up gluten & it was a bit challenging to do it (I absolutely believe that giving up gluten was instrumental in helping Little Mermaid build a happy home in my womb). And I wrote:
In the meantime: transition stages are painful. It’s like birthing out a whole new life.
Ummm… yes it is.
It’s *exactly* like birthing out a whole new life!
So I’m so so glad to be bringing back this little ritual of ours…
The day we get to cosy up on a big purple couch with large mugs of tea, and connect-in and share about our journeys this week. It’s a little bit like coming home – to ourselves, and to each other. As always, you can share if you’re called in the Comments Circle.

This week. Oh… it’s been a big one!
And there’s been a coupla lil lessons along the way.
My weeks used to fit me so beautifully… I used to work three days as an editor, spent two or three days a week working totally in this Big Beautiful Dream Business of mine – creating & connecting & helping women discover the goddess inside them, and the rest of my week in a blend of connecting with my love, connecting with dear friends, giggling, switching off & putting extra hours in Big Beautiful Dream Business.
But since the beginning of the year – and for another month, I need to go to my editor-job for five days a week. And don’t get me wrong – I love my editor job, and am so grateful to be doing this – but at the same time, the maths of my life doesn’t add up. 5 days a week work + 2.5 days a week in a business that is booming & blooming + some kind of spare moment where I can rejuvenate = way more than seven days in a week.
So every day I’ve been learning a BUCKET load of lessons… which in turn become blessings!
Only four more weeks + four days to go! Wahooooo!

Ooooh! Blessings! There are always, always ginormous blessings!
Best dog ever

Everyday, I look down at Charlie’s smiling face, and all I can say is:
You are just the BEST dog ever.
And he is – wise, healing, giggling, fairy-puppy. Charlie follows in the line of doggies who have been my best friends – Clancy and Major Morgan… and my horsey-soulmate Rebble.
I just wouldn’t be Leonie without the animal-besties I’ve had.
Return to Positivity!
Whenever I get lost in overwhelm or anxiousness… I remember my journey back home…
Return to Positivity…
It’s like Positivity is a tropical island with hammocks and mango frappes and dolphins… the place my soul calls home.
So everyday this week when I felt off, I used my tools to get back to that lovely place again.
I made a crystal grid around my desk.
I made sure I went to sleep early, and listened to meditations as I wafted off into dreamland.
I used my favourite aura-cleansing sprays.
I went on negativity cleanses.
I made a conscious decision everyday to be as joyful as possible… and told everyone around me that it was going to be an amazing day.
I spent lunchtimes out under the trees… nature is healing.
Everytime I get to learn this lesson again, it is a blessing.
Being joyful is my way, my path, my home and my way of being. It’s what makes my life all beautiful again.
Little sista!

My little sister Maryanne/Mary/Mooky/Manooka drove down from the other side of the country this week and MOVED IN WITH US!
Wahoo! She’s decided it’s time for an adventure, and that Canberra would be a lovely place for one. So she’s staying with us for a month or two before she moves close by, and we can prepare the space for Little Mermaid.
It’s really beautiful to have her here… last night was filled with her & Chris helping me out with last minute Goddess School preparations, and then we played tickles with Little Mermaid through my belly. It was so love*soaked and lovely.

Asking for (& receiving help)
I’m totally in love with my business… if anyone had ever told me that I’d get to make my living out of creating meditations + online courses + kits… to help women feel like the creative + radiant + soulful goddesses they are… I’m not quite sure if I would have believed them. But here I am, and it’s getting bigger and more gorgeous than ever. And sometimes it gets overwhelming… but there is not one thing on this earth I would rather be doing.
So when things got all wild-overwhelming again, I realised I needed to do something different.
My darling friend Goddess Sone has been doing a gorgeous job helping out with Goddess School… my lil sis has been helping me with putting the finishing touches on some of the Radiant Goddess e-course… and my sweet love is putting his magical audio-engineer hands over the meditations for the Radiant Goddess and Creative Goddess e-courses.
And it’s been really, really beautiful to have all these beautiful helpers putting their energy in to Goddess School… helping me birth this beautiful space for women to discover their creativity and radiance… kind of magical, really! All the people I love the most adding their goodness into it… to make it even more amazing for the goddesses attending.
If you are wanting support, guidance and inspiration to discover your creativity, or feel radiant inside your body this year… there are less than 24 hours to enrol in a Goddess School e-course! If you’re called, you need to enrol in the Creative Goddess e-Course or Radiant Goddess e-course *now* to be a part of the amazing soul-space this term. I am so excited again that the goddesses are circling… the goddesses in each of the courses have their own private online goddess circle to connect and share their journeys on… when women circle, miracles happen… every time. I have goosebumps of the soul kind and a big glowy grin knowing that the circles are circling again…
Passing the Talking Stick

Hoorah! We made it!
If you’d like to share about your week, your journey, your blessings or challenges… I’m passing on the talking spirit. Share away in the Comments Circle, possum. You are so gently held.
This calls for…
I’m so glad you are here, sweetpea.
Ginormous love,
P.S. Got any questions about Goddess School? Do email me dearest! I’d so love to help!