Hola beautiful, beautiful souls,
Goddess Journey day is the day we check in on our journeys, and the blessings & lessons that have been happening for us.
It’s the day we get to cosy up on a big purple couch with large mugs of tea, and connect-in and share about our journeys this week. It’s a little bit like coming home – to ourselves, and to each other. As always, you can share if you’re called in the Comments Circle.
I’m always glad when it’s a Goddess Journey check-in day. It’s like a little exhale of “aaaahhhhhh” and then a contented little sigh. Of course, that might be just me, but I likes it. 🙂
And this week’s check-in is a little different (just like last week)… it’s on video!
Some extra things I need you to know
Today I want to sing you
You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine,
you make me happy
when skies are grey.
You’ll never know dear,
how much I love you!
For no apparent reason but I can.
Today I want you to know just how glad I am to know you.
Today I want you to know that we are all just so beautiful. Just as we are. With the fullness of our story, our glory and our frailties.
I adore you.
Probably the first time I get weepy on video, but won’t be my last…
Goddess Journey Check-in – 27 May 09 edition from Goddess Leonie on Vimeo.

As always, feel free to take the talking stick and share about your Goddess Journey, blessings and challenges over the last week. You are so gently held.