Had the most lovely lunch hour today.
Me and the delightful Deb and lovely Lile had our first of many “Goddesses in the Park” ~ we just strolled to a beautiful, peaceful park with a Gandhi statue that is near work; plonked ourselves and our melted Dairy Milk chocolate mini-bars on a green park table, and proceeded to spend the loveliest hour amongst the trees.
Delightful dear darling Deb has just returned from Hawaii, looking very bronzed and emating so much love, joy, wonder and gratefulness that it’s so very easy to get washed softly down the river of Maui stories… stories of beaches and dolphins and turtles and wild women ceremonies and rebirthing in an ancient goddess pool and singing songs naked….
oh so very very beautiful. so delightful. so energy filled.
so wondrous to hear her stories.
just look at me listening to Deb. Imagine little girl listening to stories of unicorns and care bears and rainbows. same expression.
so beautiful to see her angel face again!
Deb is a goddess in my life. So much to share, so much love and heart and generosity, warmth, wisdom, sincerity, gentleness, intuition and gorgeousness all wrapped up in the most gorgeous little elf fairy!
Deb and Me. Me loves Deb.
And of course, the loveable, lumbunctious, lovin mungbean, lush Lile!
Such a kind, endearing, thoughtful, dearhearted, wise, open hearted ~ open armed, sweet potato pie and the bestest ever person to sit at the desk next to mine!
What a gorgeous time beneath the trees with two gorgeous goddesses.
We have decided to make more goddess tree time at lunchtimes…
i feel like my world is opening, magically, because of these conscious outputs of love and sharing during lunch hours!
Tonight I pay tribute to Dearest Deb and Lush Lile,
for goddess lunch hours
and for their open hearted sharing
and divine uniqueness.

Goddesses in the Park

Hi Blossom!
I’m Leonie Dawson
International best-selling author with 500,000 books in use and an award-winning entrepreneur. I’ve created $14 million in revenue while only working 10 hours a week & am proudly neurodivergent (ASD).
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