a little bit of gentleness goes a long way

I don’t often ask for much from friends and my community. I don’t ask because I see myself as being pretty self contained and self reliant, and often pride myself on having large stores of energy and good stuff. I don’t ask because I can always see the higher perspective, and give myself the rope to climb out of the hole.

I realised today that sometimes I don’t ask as well because I’m afraid that if I do, I won’t be given what I’m asking for. That I’ll be vulnerable and lost. That I won’t be supported and cared for.

I want to live with a little more trust than that. A little more bravery. A little more faith that we’ll each be held up when we need to be by our communities of souls.

So today, I ask for bear hugs.
I ask for lit candles & prayers for healing for my beautiful brother-in-lawish Graeme who is intensive care after an accident. And I ask for lots of love, grace & women sister strength to my amazing sister Rebekah. I love both of these souls so much, and only want good for them.

If you feel called to give, I so gratefully receive, for me & my family.

Imagining & seeing candles lighting up the world with their songs of healing & hope,
and having faith, trust and belief in the heartfelt asking,