Thought I would introduce myself for newbies! There are many new faces, and I am DEEEELIGHTED you are here!
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Plus… why not try and describe myself in 600 words or less?
I’m Leonie… ze Magnificent Turquoise Unicorn!
My pronouns are she or they. You can call me either and I’m happy.
I live with my husband of a billion years (20) and our two daughters.
My husband and I both used to work in the public service, but both quit when we had kids to look after them and work part-time in my company.
We’ve lived all over Australia in the last 10 years… from Hobart to Canberra to Cairns and everywhere in between. I feel so lucky to have had the adventures we’ve had. We are now living on acreage on the Sunshine Coast, and will probably be here for a while now.
I homeschooled our girls for 3 years or so, and they are now currently in a small independent school. I’m wildly passionate about alternative education options.
Business-wise, I feel ridiculously lucky to get to do this thang as my job. I’m an online course teacher, blogger, author & illustrator.
Since beginning my business, I’ve brought in over $11m in revenue and always worked only about ten hours a week.
A few years ago I tried having a large team but I hated managing staff instead of creating so I streamlined back to just me and a part time VA. It’s the best!
In terms of what I sell, I mostly concentrate on courses and books. My most popular programs are Sales Star, Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income, 40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course and 40 Days To Finish Your Book.
I also write and illustrate the internationally bestselling 2021 Goal Getter workbooks. They are used by 450,000 around the world now which just blows my freaaaaaking mind.
I’ve been blogging & teaching online since 2004. It’s still one of the greatest loves and passions of my life.
I am proudly neuro atypical and have been diagnosed with Autism and ADHD. I adore my brain & wouldn’t want to be any other way.
I’m committed to building an intersectional business & life. I have learned so much already about racism, ableism, homophobia & transphobia and have a lifetime more of learning & unlearning to do. I’m committed to sharing what I learn as I go, and directing you to the teachers of this important work.
I talk a lot about business and marketing, creativity and parenting, mental health and neurodiversity, books and goals. Mostly, I want to talk about how life is a river that tumbles us around, grinding off our edges, polishing us into riverstones of compassion.
I try to teach what my elders taught me.
I have a podcast called Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised if you’ve ever thought to yourself: you know what? I wish I could listen to a podcast where it just feels like a best mate talking shit over a cup of tea.
I’ve sent weekly-ish newsletters to about 50,000 readers/friends/glorious humans for the last 17 years. You can get that newsletter free here.
I’ve also started a daily-ish newsletter sharing everything I create & write. That’s a new offering I’ve just started that about 1,000 readers/friends/glorious humans receive. You can get that newsletter free here.
I no longer market on social media for a whole range of reasons, nor do I use it personally anymore. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.
I swear a lot, and I’m TMI, and I am the opposite of polished and refined. And that’s the way I fucking love it.
Mostly, I spend my time reading books, making art with my kids, perving on my husband, and thinking about how you and me can change the world.
I’m so very glad you’re here.
Big love,