Hi lovelies,
But way more sweary. And, might I say it, far more sexually active. Probably.
We just survived 2016!
Cue every meme of us:

To celebrate the fuck out of the fact that we justttt made it…
I’m giving you a basket of goodies. Please use them as you need them… resources to inspire, support + heal you in the final days of the year.

Free poster: 10 Guideposts For Wholehearted Living

Internet Addiction: A Free Illustrated Zine

A Message From Your Angels: What They Want You To Know!

Meditation for Healing
One rainy glorious day, a little meditation for healing came into the world. And it had gossamer wings, and it wanted to fly out to be heard. So I listened, and here it is… just for you. Use it whenever you’re feeling depleted, or in need of some revitalisation.

10 Lessons From Building A Million Dollar Business

Free DVD: Leonie Interviewed On Creativity, Money & Death

Books I Read In 2016: An Illustrated Reading Log

Free training: Marketing Do’s + Don’ts for Wellpreneurs

Free colouring book: Inspire My Spirit (100+ Pages!)

Create Your Word Of The Year Painting

Leonie’s Ocean Retreat Illustrated Journal
May your celebration season…
… be gentle… bright… soft… loving…
May it be just what you need.
This year, we will be drinking beer in the sunshine, watching our children grow.
Just the four of us. Quiet. Soft. Just what we need.
I’m thinking of you, right where you are right now.
I’m sending you love.
May this basket bring you little morsels of inspiration, sweet pieces of nourishment.
May it bring you just what you need.

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