You do it quickly.
You do it messily.
You do it with reckless abandon.
You do it with them.
You do it in spite of them.
You do it anyway.
You do it while laughing.
You do it while crying.
You do it while feverishly swearing under your breath.
You do it because you need it.
Because they need it.
Because you’re a better person, a better mama, a better you
when you make your art.
You do it because art is as needed as anything else in this dang world.
You do it because you can.
Because you can’t not do it.
You do it because it lights you up.
It guides you home.
It helps you remember who you are
and what this is all about.
For all these reasons and more,
this is why we mamas must make our art.

Art tools for your toolbox:
Begins APRIL 1!!!!! A six-week guided journey to discover the Creative Goddess in you! This e-course is both practical + spiritual, and will help you discover (or remember!) that you were born an artist, art can help you heal, creativity can make your spirituality bloom in new & beautiful ways, and that you really are a creative goddess. If you’re ready to remember how inspired, wise & courageous you are, this journey is for you!

We mamas, we need our art. And we need to include our kids in it too. And it’s different from ABF (Art Before Kids). It takes a whole new level of art skills, tools, perspectives & set-up.
So Ostara & I decided to invite you around… to paint with us, to spill water & eat paint & laugh wildly & get rained on… and find out what it is to be CREATIVE MAMA GODDESSES.