So, poppets!
I’m SO EXCITED to announce our first LIVE full day event in the United States!
Grant Andrew (aka our Chief Operations Officer + will be leading a one-day Shining Academy business mastermind intensive in Denver, Colorado.
9-5pm, September 24th (less than a month away!)
Denver, Colorado
The event is FREE and EXCLUSIVE for Academy members! SIGN UP HERE to become an Academy member now!
However! We require a $100 deposit which we will REFUND YOU the day after you attend. Why are we doing that? To make sure you are committed! We’ll be paying for catering, a professional photographer to give you headshots (if you like), a yoga teacher, the venue + flying in two staff for the event. If you don’t attend, you don’t get the refund. Sound fair? We need bums on seats, mouths to eat all the food, brains to receive all the goodness + hearts to connect with.
All Shining Biz + Life Academy members!
No – you don’t have to be local to the Denver area… you CAN fly in for it!!!
- Business masterminding
- Guidance + inspiration on how to take your business to the next level
- Connecting with other passionate, spirited business owners
- Yoga to get the body moving + ideas flowing
- We’ll have a professional photographer on staff to take headshots of you to use in your own business (if you like!)
- Hot-seat business coaching
- Live-cam with me
- Fully catered with delicious omnomnoms
- We’ve chosen a truly stunning, unique venue… you are just going to ADORE it!!!!!
Grant will be leading you through the day, helping you find the next steps they need to take in their business + giving a ginormous amount of business guidance as he does it. I’ll live-cam in for a part of the day, and Grant will be supported by our wonderful Amber Kinney as well.
Grant has a tremendous amount of business experience:
- managing 200+ people at citigroup
- being the Director + CEO of his own well-regarded tech company
- being a top-ranking sales consultant
- being the CEO of a non-profit
- now being the COO here at Leonie Dawson International, a 7 figure a year company!
Plus, he’s a walking heart on legs, is funny as fuck, is a walking ideas-machine-of-brilliance + is a total soul-brother from another mother. I’m quite sure that every person who comes into contact with Grant is left changed for the better. I’ve never considered fully endorsing a teacher before I met Grant, and I don’t take the decision lightly.
I just know this event is going to be incredible… it’s been in the works for a long while now… and it’s just the beginning of what we are going to unfold for all of you!
The blessing of Grant is that he helps extend my energy + help more people. Currently, I’m pretty constrained with what I wish to do travel-wise because of my wee mermaid babes, and with the funny, sensitive limitations of my body + physical energy.
So it’s a real blessing to have a co-teacher who can be doing this work in the United States. And it will be a wonderful thing when we’re able to do events live together as well!
And YES – I WILL be running these events here in Canberra, Australia as well.
I’ll announce those soon.
All events we run will be exclusively for Academy members. We’re just going to keep piling love, value, wisdom + experiences in there for our tribe.
Our mission is to make it the most truly unique, value-soaked, supportive training resource + community out there for spirited women (and divine men) in business.
- Be a Shining Biz and Life Academy member (+ if you’re not one, join up here!)
- Email support@leoniedawson.com with DENVER! in the title.
We’ll get you booked in for there + give you all the details.
I’m utterly delighted to offer this to you all… what a wonderful day it will be!!!!
Any questions – pop us an email to support@leoniedawson.com – we’d be delighted to help!

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