I have hair of honey
eyes of ocean
lips like the pink of oyster shell
hands of a pianist
lines like a eucalypt
uneven tumbling breasts
broad shoulders
fingers fumbling for a pen
to record it all.
This is me,
in this incantation.
– me, 13 Sept 2004
Oh would some power the gift to give us, to see ourselves as others see us!
– Robert Burns
Am joyous, am tired, am loving.
Right here, right now.
PS ~ Beautiful post on Lisa Marie’s day here.

hurrah! awakening growth joyous rebirth love words

Hi Blossom!
I’m Leonie Dawson
International best-selling author with 500,000 books in use and an award-winning entrepreneur. I’ve created $14 million in revenue while only working 10 hours a week & am proudly neurodivergent (ASD).
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I’ve been blogging since 2004!
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