I believe

that art does not have to be



or worry

or getting it right

or making it look pretty.

I believe that art does not have to be

another stick

to measure ourselves

push ourselves

or whack ourselves with.


I believe art

can be a

tool for healing

a place of power

a splash of insight

a prayer

a laughter of colour

a sacred, holy path to walk.

Art can be the path we take

to discover the goddess inside us.

And most of all,

art can be

our gift to


Make art that looks like you.

Make art that sings to your spirit.

Make art that is medicine.

Art can be holy and healing…

all we need do is claim it,

and make it.

I believe in you…

P.S. Save 30% off the Radiant Goddess e-course, Creative Goddess e-course & Creating your Goddess Haven e-course only until Wednesday.