I love that my dear friend lisa marie sent me a picture
of her wearing a necklace i sent her… as a VERY late christmas present…
tee hee hee ~ I am running fashionably late this year

I love that today there was a package waiting by my door,
from lisa marie…
and in it was the most beautiful book ~
Romancing the Ordinary by Sarah ban Breathnach.
and it took my breath away because it was exactly what i wanted
and i hadn’t told her. she’d just known.
I’ve been reading Sarah b.B’s first book “Simple Abundance” of late…
and am adoring it so much.
I love that I have so many books touching my soul at the moment.
I love that my friend Jayne wanted to be a bulldozer driver when she grew up.
I love that yesterday on the bus, me and Paris couldn’t stop giggling or making fabulously obscure jokes that only we “got” ~ and that Paris said if we’d gone to primary school together, we wouldn’t have been allowed to sit next to each other.
Yay for friends that you wouldn’t have been allowed to sit with! 😀
I really love that my big brother is coming down to visit us for a week in a few weeks!
My gosh, I get excited the more I think about it… I love that he is taking the time out,
and the cost, just to come and hang out with his little sister…
I love that I really do think I have the best big brother in the world.
I love that in a few short weeks me and Lile are going on a business trip to Melbourne,
a city I’ve never been before, and we may have the chance to connect with the
Melbourned chapter of succulent wild women.
I love that my dog is curled at my feet.
I love the way Andrea Scher forms her thoughts into words and touches so many hearts.
I love that I am writing my first book. And I worry a little that it takes me away from blogging… but I know this is only temporary.
I love how I have so many friends that have touched my heart so sincerly, and joyously. I could never hope to name them all in their entirety, but I do so honour each joyful, blessed interaction. My family… talking to my daddy on the phone…. lile coming back to work… talking to shan… sonia in canada… zetty calling me last night and having crossed lines with some thai phone lines… deb in all her goddess~naciousness… chris, my love, my soulmate, who surprises me each day with his growth, and the passion which verves his spirit… the blessing of the women’s group… ellanita… raquel… juliana… janet… the womyn that i will grow to know this year…
Lisa marie from across the oceans… lemissa with her youthful wisdom… sweet tonica for her warmth… leigh phoenix light for her spirit… ella and the melbourne chicks me and lile will meet with… my dog charlie… emelisa with her open, loving heart ~ at once a friend, a teacher, a heart artist… helena, the lovely lady lena who has the most gentle soul and who told me today that she wanted a wonderful, loving life ~ bless her… for alex the crazy leo we share a cubicle with at work who makes me giggle so much, and he lets me pick the ties he should wear with his vibrant pink shirts…
jayne, the most vivacious chick i know ~ with guts, heart and love… kasey in charters towers with a big heart… the dearest firehorse who i just adore… california poppy who makes my heart smile when i see her… clarity’s wise words and beautiful soul… matt taylor with his sweet heart and brilliant emails… dan because i’ve always loved him..
joyful dancer… gailNHB… both of them warm my heart and inspire me… i adore them both.
the beautiful SARK… for being Spectacularly Awe~inspiring and her Rare Kindness.
Jimmy Little’s music for cheering me today at work. You rock Jimmy.
I love that I have such a huge list of splendid friends…
and I also love knowing that there are MANY MANY more…
I love that…