The One Thing That Changed My Business

Hola gorgeous hearts!

One of the things that really inspired me (+ still does) when I’m down in the salt mines of my business, trying to work out the next step, is listening to the stories of other business women who’ve been where I am + have had an insight that’s helped them along.

With that in mind, I’ve asked a number of gorgeous, inspired, soulful business women to share their sacred AHA! moment – of the thing that changed their business.

Today’s insight is for anyone who has been holding back on investing in themselves whether it be self care, business education or some other way.

Lots of love,


Invest In Yourself

That is the one big lesson I’ve learned from Leonie. The one I go back over and over again when things get rocky.

It’s the best antidote I have found so far for bumpy roads. 🙂

Invest in Yourself.

That was something puzzling for me a year ago. I would roll my eyes thinking: “What’s up with those people? Who has time or money for that stuff? The Life Train moves on, I can’t just jump off of the wagon to go pamper myself! Phewww! Crazy people!”

Yet, in the last year it has all made sense. “I don’t have money/time for me” was a condition I created over the years. It was up to me to reverse that scenario.

Deciding to join the Academy was already an investment but I didn’t see that way back then. The guilt of “spending” money on myself haunted me. How dare I just think of myself by purchasing an online product that I couldn’t even explain what it was! 😀

Thanks to powerful gut feelings, I did it anyway.

I joined the Academy in May of 2012.

I started with small baby steps – because they always take me far! And gradually I could see what the fuzz of investing in myself was all about.

My self-care DOES impact the ones around me.

My self-care DOES improve my life and the ones around me.

My mind-set towards what investing in myself meant started to shift. Investing time to take care of my needs started happening frequently and sometimes even guilt-free!

The more I focused on fulfilling my needs, the more I was able to open up and give back to the outside world.

And better yet, I was happily giving and opening up because I wanted to do so, not simply because I had to.

The summer of 2012 was unbelievably simple and beautiful. I worked hard within, unapologetic for my own good.

For the first time in years I was feeling recharged, heard, and taken care of.

And I wanted to spread it all out! I wanted everyone around me to feel the same. My self-care was exteriorizing everywhere.

And then, things started to happen.

  • Ideas began to flow
  • Projects started taking-off
  • Long-lost dreams were calling me again!

It all started rolling fast! From painting again after almost 15 years, quitting a 9-5 job, shaping up a business idea, travelling across the country to meet online friends, entrepreneurs and world-changers, getting support for my health issues from the best in their fields, till the point of setting off to live in a Caribbean paradise, it has been a wild roller coaster ride!

All because of that very first step of investing in myself: Joining an online program that felt right even though “spending” the money carried a heavy feeling of guilt back then.

The journey to get here was happy, exciting and mind blowing but filled with tests and challenges. It felt uncomfortable and scary countless times. “Am I willing to go that far? Am I willing to spend this money/time just for my own development? Am I worth it?” All the self-doubting thoughts and variations of them would creep in to my mind again and again, making me hesitate before each step. But deep inside I knew that investing money, time and resources in myself would pay off for me and for those around me.

There hasn’t been one of those single investments (time, resources or money) that I regret when looking back.

I am grateful I heard my very first impulse of “spending” money and joining the Academy. I am grateful to see that investment was just the beginning of a life long transformation full of growing, nurturing, and – without a doubt – even more blessings to come.

My happiness – and yours! – will influence the ones around us. It will shape our surroundings.

Invest in yourself. You are so worth it.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned from Leonie.

Profile pic 800Raine Boyd is a reawakened artist + illustrator transforming humdrum day-to-day routines into enjoyable, fun, exciting and nurturing activities.  Currently living in the Caribbean she has been sipping coconut water by the beach in search of the perfect “flat” wave to start surfing lessons with her cats. {the odds!}. You can find her musings, artwork and free printable planners, calendars, desktop wallpapers, and all around helpful tools at LimeTreeFruits.


(And the Business Goddess program begins!)

Get in before then to save mega dobleros + change your life + biz.