Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
Today I’m so, so, so excited to share an interview with the completely luminous and luscious Jennifer Louden, the Goddess Queen of Comfort!

I’m in love with Jen’s books & work, especially her hugely popular The Woman’s Comfort Book. Me & my goddess sister Sone like to work through books together. After a mammoth three months working through The Artist’s Way, we needed a little comfort and retreat. So The Woman’s Comfort Book was the tome we turned to.
I love Jen’s philosophy of finding comfort and calm wherever you are. Every goddess has her wisdom, and Jen’s goddess wisdom is helping other women experience that same sense of kindness and comfort in a practical way. She’s like a deep exhale out.
About this interview…
This interview is all about finding comfort & peace right here, right now, where you are. There are many who are experiencing fear at the moment because of the E word, and Jen is the most beautiful antidote to this. In this interview Jen shares about her post-retreat glowiness and a beautiful technique for feeling deeply supported & “re-sourced” right now. *happy sigh*
Extra audio treats – you’ll get to here flight calls during the interview, as Jen was at the airport waiting for a flight home after nine days retreating. It totally makes me *gigglesnort* at its imperfect glorious life-liness. 🙂
I hope you adore this interview as much as I do!
[QUICKTIME https://leoniedawson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/jennifer-louden-on-2009-04-18-at-0542.mov 320 257]
{If you are reading this is RSS, you’ll need to pop here to listen.}
More gorgeous Goddess of Comfort-ness…

Jen’s Virtual Retreat is now available as a downloadable gigantic comfort-creator. You can get all the recordings of Jen & nine of her favourite teachers as well as a Virtual Refresher Day with the luminous Jen on April 25 – in a week’s time. The Virtual Retreat covers such beautiful topics as dissolving procrastination, overcoming money fears, creating your life purpose, overcoming emotional eating, wide wacky happy relaxations and centering in the midst of anything. If you’re called to experience Jen’s deep & comforting work, check it out here.
You can also check out the amazing Jen’s website, blog & Comfort Cafe.
Group Hugs!
Hope you enJOYed the interview gorgeous goddesses. I think I’m going to be giggling through this whole day, like a raving fan-girl who has just spoken to the self-help equivalent of Robbie Williams.
If Robbie was a wise comforting goddess, that is.
Grrrroooouuuuuuppppp hugs!

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