Hey darlings,
It’s been a big ole fortnight in Leonie Land with video & photo shoots, restoration projects for kindy, and another dang throat infection!

There was some serious prep before another 9 hour video & photo shoot day… this time for the 2017 planner & goals workbooks!! (We’ll be releasing mid November!)
It was a crazy fun day which started with me wildly de-dreading my nest of hair so the hairdresser could get a comb through it!!

I had my hair and make-up done by the always glamorous Sandy. I was (as always) being a bossy cheerleader and getting her teenage daughter to be her social media manager. Hahahaha! Also: this jacket is my favourite… an organic cotton number from Kathmandu.

I’ve always been super hesitant to get hair and makeup done because I prefer looking natural. For filming I need some extra colour because my Danish fairness whites me out completely on camera, and when I do makeup myself it looks like a disaster zone because I’m blind as fuck and also can’t makeup to save myself.
I’m grateful Sandy gets the natural look I’m after and makes it happen. We have one more scene to shoot for the 2017 workbook video and then we are off across town for the photoshoot. Big day!

In bed between takes… little moments of quiet to fill my introvert well during a big day.

I made the Screencraft film crew do Awkward Prom Photo with me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE IT SOOOOO BAD.

Me and my soul brother Miles… aka the autocue guy from Screencraft … we have so much fun when we get to play together and make videos!!!

Shooting a moody scene for the 2017 workbook video… hahahaha… this is going to look amazing in the final cut!!!! Pretty sure you’ll bust a gut laffffing at what we end up doing here… I love doing our stupid vignettes… lets me fulfill my actress side!!!!!

As soon as I get back from a shoot or live event, I have to strip off, have a shower, wash makeup and other people’s smells off me, then stare out a window with a beer. I love doing days like this but my lil HSP self needs a bit to recover from them!

Chris told me a box arrived while I was at the shoot. It was some late night internet shopping I’d made… because apparently Midnight Leonie thinks I need a mermaid bottle opener and a mermaid eye mask. Solid choices, Midnight Leonie.

Mermaid Daughter #1’s kindergarten room toys… post restoration. I sewed holes up, sewed new clothes and needle felted things back up. They are looking ready for playing again!

And this is the before & after of the wombat… this was probably the most challenging to restore as the felt was very thin and had worn away in a lot of spots… there was no way I could stitch it back together without it disintegrating… and the whole thing needed to be patched, really. So I decided to just needle felt it all together with a new fur layer. It is much much sturdier now… plus I reckon it looks even more like a wombat now! Yay! Excited to get these toys back into Mermaid Daughter #1’s kindergarten room for the children to play with.

I’m trying new forms of self care… today I fulfilled a long term goal and went to a float tank for the first time!
It was a pretty fun experience mostly because I spent most of it pretending I was a mermaid.
(Canberrans – the float tank studio has just opened!)

Woke up with yet another fucking throat infection. My immunity has been absolutely shot since going through Hyperemesis Gravidarum two years ago. This winter has been pretty horrific especially with back to back colds and throat infections. I’m attacking it with an essential oil protocol, will let you know how it goes. Going on health retreat for a week in 8 days. Can’t come soon enough… my poor old immune system needs it.

Today… I make chicken soup for this throat infection… then lay in the sun, basting in essential oils.

TWO butterflies roaming around my house!

Well, fuck a duck, looks like I’ve ascended to the realm of Peak Hippy.

First time making savoury pies!!!! Eeeeeeeee!!!! I made a massive batch of chicken soup on the weekend and thought it would be fun to turn some of it into pies… so me and Beffy did so this morning!!!! OMNOMNOMNOMMMM!!!!
I’m totally going to get laid from the husband for this Ultimate Act of Domestic Goddessing!!!! #notthatIreallyneedtoask #fuckyeahdomesticgoddessof

Bought this just because my rad friend Lisa Mitchell is on the cover. Congratulations on your new album girl & everything you do & are! You are amazing! When I saw you on Australian Idol a decade ago I was gobsmacked at your magical fae talent & spirit… honoured to know you now & still see that spirit dancing!!!

Okay gorgeous goddesses, that’s all from me!
Have a ding dang delicious weekend!!!
I’m off to a week-long health retreat this weekend… it is going to be RIDIC GOOD and is so very needed.
I’ve been wildly organised and will have posts to share with you even while I’m away… and of course my team are still holding down the fort, so if you’re needing anything, the support faeries will help! HOORAY!
Love, love, love,

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