Last week was chock-a-block with end of school holiday revelry. We filled it with all the holiday things we wanted to do, but were too busy hanging out at home for the first two weeks.
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Behold! Here’s what I’ve been doing in the last week!
- We had a picnic at the river with friends
- my biggest kid had her first ever solo playdate at a friend’s house
- I took the kids & their friend to a horsemanship workshop
- we did the 4 hour return trip to visit my in-laws
- I went to the osteopath twice! Because who do I love? My osteopath! Why? Because she makes the body boo-boos go away! When do I see her again? In two days! Why so often? I dislocate with a sneeze! Who’s writing this while wearing a heat pack for a newly displaced hip? MEEEEE. I should make this into a song for the next time I see her. I feel she would enjoy that.
- I did a couple of group coaching calls – one for all my course students, the other just for my Marketing Without Social Media students.
- me & my big kid recipe tested to find a new snack for school lunches.
- I also made some ridiculously good feasts for the family including a poached pear cheesecake which was just BEYOND. WHO EVEN AM I ANYMORE.
All in all, I felt like mother of the year for pulling off all that stuff off.
And now the holidays have gently folded into the land of memories, and a brand new term stands before us. 10 weeks to try and move some big goals over the next 3 months.
Here’s my next 3 months of goals:
Kids & Family:
- We’ll be maintaining our reading intensive
- As an addendum to that, we’ll be going to a cat cafe to celebrate 5 straight weeks of daily reading. WHAT A REWARD! WOO!
- Make good progress on X issue
Have a weekly play-based tutor(DONE)My kids are joining the school Writer’s Club(DONE)I need to work out how we’ll support an extracurricular activity on Friday afternoons.(DONE)- We’ll take a long weekend holiday in September to stay in a cute cottage near my in-laws.
My Health & Self Care:
I’ll start weekly private pilates sessions at a reformer studio- I’ll go back to the naturopath to find out test results and her recommendations
- I need to do some journaling and work out my own plan forward
- I need some more facials. I need to find a great facial place around here!
- Continue weekly solo mama retreats & evenings to myself & as much blissful solitude as possible to refill my well!
Get destructive fig trees removed before wet season hits in September- Get our pandanus trees pruned
- Gurney our front pavers
- Get a skip bin to get rid of the flooded trash from my office
- Get a charity shop in to take excess furniture
- Continue decluttering & organising
- Continue painting & decorating
- Finish trim & doors in bedroom & ensuite
Business & Finances:
- Finish 2022 Workbooks
- Bring out a new program
Possibly retire old programs(DONE)- Do 10 interviews on other people’s podcasts
Set up new investing structure & move cash into ethical managed funds- Continue doing monthly money goal reporting
- Whatever wild idea I come up with next
- Maybe come up with a quarterly or yearly plan with parameters & KPIs? That could be exciting for a change! Either way, get shit together for my next financial year goal which I’m calling…“Golden Year 2.0”
- Goal is $375,000 for the quarter.
In terms of priorities, my kids are my biggest focus currently.
There’s a few new learning habits we’re instilling & things we’re working on, and it takes quite a bit of focus to keep it going. My kids are bloody wonderful humans – funny, sweet, creative and kind. They are delightful humans! We just need to help them with things that need developing so they can keep on soaring.
Everything else is very secondary to that priority, honestly.
I’ve probably written the areas in order of priority, come to think of it. Kids first, then my health, then the house, then the business.
That doesn’t mean I don’t love and adore my business. It’s just at a joyful point where it doesn’t require huge amounts from me. It feels more like a happy hobby than anything else. I still pinch myself: the fact I get to just… make whatever I want? Talk about what interests me? Pen love letters to the world? Connect with rad humans? And get PAID for it? What a freaking dream come TRUE!
Righto… time to go fill my well for the evening.
Whatever you’re planning… I hope it is glorious & just perfect for you.
Big love,

P.S. Did you know the difference between flotsam & jetsam? Nor did I, but I’m glad I researched it tonight.