Hola sweet Goddesses,
My mama is making me write this. She’s cute.
That’s us above, on a boat on the Mama Ganges River in India.
Anyway now you can picture my mama – a couple of days ago, she called me. And she said:
Honey, I got your emails about the new online course you are running. It sounds really exciting, but I’m confused. It just sounds like it’s about decluttering. And I’m already pretty decluttered. And knowing you, I know this will be really deep soul work, and a journey of personal discovery and goddessness. But I didn’t really think that from your email… can you tell me more sweetie…
{Yup, my mum is utterly wonderful. And she gets me. And she enrolls in my e-courses whenever they come up. *happy sigh*}
And I figured, if my mama doesn’t really understand about how deep the Making Space for Your Goddess to Shine e-course goes, and I came from her uterus, you might not totally get it either.
And the course begins tomorrow.
So it’s really important for me that my mama and anyone else who is feeling confused about the course knows how soulful & transformative it is, so you can know whether this is the right thing for you or not. {And if it’s not right for you, right now, that’s perfectly wonderful!}
Is it just about decluttering?
Nope. Niet. Iie.
I mean first – decluttering is powerful and transformative.
Making space in your life for only things that are useful and loved? That’s *huge*
Letting go of possessions and stuff that don’t make your heart sing – and instead fills you up with fear, regret, shame, or old ick memories? That’s *massive*
Making your life simpler, easier, more nourishing? Holy revolutionary batman!
Creating space so you feel your home is inspiring and supporting you? That’s *life changingly good*
But it’s not *just* that.
That’s the amazing things that Lisa will be teaching in our e-course. With the course, you are getting two courses for the price of one. Lisa’s divine declutteringness. And my magical space clearing and make your home’s energy non-ick and more shining and protective instead.
What I’m teaching is the usual transformative, shining, amazingly-deep-soul-enriching goodness that so many of you have come to expect of me. If you’ve taken my Creative Goddess e-course, you know just how much my e-courses aren’t just about learning. They are about going on a deep journey of discovering, unfolding and blooming. They are about connecting with that wise, joyful, inspiring Goddess inside *you* to help you live your precious life. They are about making some big, big, glorious changes in your life. They are about making your life deeper, richer and more beautiful for you.
You have gifts, wisdom and beauty to share that is right inside you.
You are a Goddess.
That’s what I’m here to share with you.
How does that translate?
In this course, I’ll be teaching you some really powerful tools to completely cleanse, shift and lighten the energy of your home {and you, because you are your home}.
You’ll learn techniques to cleanse away any stale, old or negative energies in your home… and replace them with energy that is fresh, light, sparkling and feels *great* for you to be in.
You’ll be working through worksheets each week to discover more about you, your gifts, your home and what you need. And you’ll be working through projects to actually set you up with support structures so you actually *get* what you need.
You’ll learn how to create a space of spirit in your home that you’ll get to use everyday to feel centred, and more connected to your amazing spirit.
You’ll be using my Making Space for My Goddess to Shine meditation MP3 to begin shifting your stuff from the inside out – so every part of your life gets to shine. It will be deep. It will be transformative. As Creative Goddesses let me know – one of the most powerful things they got from my first course was how much my meditations shifted them, gave them amazing insights, and changed their whole energy into something more true, happy and glorious for them. That’s exciting. 🙂
You’ll learn how to protect your home – so you’ll get way less ickiness coming in from outside. And you’ll be setting up support from angels so that your space gets to stay shiny and light.
And most of all, you’ll be learning even more about the incredible, wise, deep, beautiful Goddess you are.
So that’s what this course is really about.
“Making Space for your Goddess to Shine” is going to be a deep, powerful, sacred journey for you to learn, experience and use some really amazing tools for you and your home.
As one of my sweet Goddesses calls it… “Goddess training is resuming!”
And it’s beginning today.
If this journey is calling you, you can enrol at www.decluttergoddesses.com.
I’m so, so, glad to be sharing this with you. I’m really grateful to clear things up, and help you to know just how deep this course moves. If you’re called, it will be absolutely amazing to have you along on the journey.
Questionos? {That’s Spanish for questions – I think}
Have I missed anything? Let me know darling. Email me, email me & Lisa or leave a comment. I will do my berry-best to help you, and help my mama.
Have a miracle day, sweetness.
You deserve it.
Big love,