Hola sweet souls!
I’m SO excited to share this with ya’ll today…
We are rockin’ + rollin’ with new Academy content and we have a brand spankin’ new course release for you today!
Just last week we released the 7 Life-Changing Habits For An Abundant 2016 with the incredible Denise Duffield-Thomas and today, we have “How To Align To Your Goals” presented by my FAVE kinesiologist and brilliant business brain, the amazing Kerry Rowett.

Swarm of the Blondes… Denise, Kerry & me at the Shining Academy Conference!
Kerry Rowett is the founder of awakenkinesiology.com, a gifted energy healer and coach who shares her techniques for clearing any blocks we have from attaining our goals, and allowing our dreams to come true at a faster, easier rate.
Using tapping technique, visualizations, and tools Kerry will guide you through a hands-on presentation to bring you in alignment with your goals and your soul purpose.

I’ve been using Kerry as a kinesiologist for a few year’s now – I’ve even sent staff to her for sessions if they needed it.
I can unequivocally say that what Kerry teaches is powerful, and hugely important for women who are on this huge growth journey of entrepreneurship (and life!)
In this live video workshop recorded at the Shining Academy Retreat this past February, Kerry will teach you:
Powerful energy practices you can use straight away to clear blocks and fears.
How to manifest your goals faster.
How to stay on soul purpose as you do it all!
If you’re an Academy member, join us over here! Not a member of the Shining Academy yet? Gain access to 70+ courses now!
And if that wasn’t enough….
The entire Shining Academy Retreat recording will be released this week as well… two full days of conference videos!
We’re talking the unveiling of a HUGE new system – the 6i Success System AND a deep dive into the 7 Chakra Business Model which has been blowing brains out (in a nice way) since I started teaching it. I’ll tell you more about them once they are released.
In the meantime, dig into Kerry’s incredible work!
Big love,
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