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How excited am I?
Today I received my very own Leonie Life shirt!
I am SO PLEASED to say that I’m totally impressed with the print quality and the shirts…

And I ADORE this photo Lisa Marie sent me of the Leonie life pillow she bought! Thank you, dearest LM!

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You can see all the merchandise at the Leonie Life Shop ~ just click the logo you like to see the products!

So beautiful to see these things come into fruition…
I walked around university today feeling far too cool for school.
Like I was wearing my heart emblazoned on my sleeve (or my chest, for that matter) and feeling fabulously happy about it.

Random Lovely Compliment I received from a guy at work ~
He said that he missed my “noisy smile” when I was away. He said that most people had “quiet smiles” but that when I smiled a giggle always erupted.
I kinda like that…
having a noisy smile…

I am constantly amazed at how much BELIEF and ADVENTURE can shape our lives…
I giggle at the sweet incredibility of it all ~ at wearing my own shirt, writing my own book, walking to my own groove.
Gosh… it was just so EASY once I allowed myself.
Once I thought ~ of COURSE I can do this! Why not?
And I went giggling down the path, photographing and writing and creating
just because I allowed myself. I didn’t let me tell me that I couldn’t do it.
I just did.
Just do it.
You will really surprise yourself, in new and delightful ways.

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