Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
Today’s studio peek is into the creative goddess studio of Tara Swiger. I heart this pink haired maven of all things deliciously colourful & fibre-ish oh so much 🙂
1. What do you create?
I dye eco-friendly fiber and spin into tasty, colorful inspiration for knitters + other crafters!

Pixie Dust handspun yarn

Hemp Laceweight in Pomegranate

Leonie Yarn :: dooooooooooooood. yarn inspired by me??? colour me flipping delighted!!
2. Where do you create?
I do my computering at the local coffee shop in the mornings:
I do my fiber work in my upstairs studio, in my sweet little farmhouse:

with my trusty pup nearby:

And under the watchful eye of grumpy Andre:

On sunny days on my front porch:

3. When do you create?
Whenever I can! I spin in the afternoons, with the sun slanting into my studio or on the front porch:
Almost every day I put a pot of dye on as soon as I can and I write and think whenever I can, with my trusty notebook always on me!
4. Why do you create?
It can’t be helped!
I believe EVERY one is creative and that creativity can be expressed in a zillion different ways.
Sometimes my creativity comes out in building my business, sometimes it expresses itself in yarns and fibers, sometimes in my writing.
Allowing that creativity out, allowing it to play, brings me a sense of calm and peace and it ignites my passion for life!
Thank you so much Goddess Tara for the peek into your studio!
To check out Tara’s gorgeous wool goodies, head to her etsy store or boutique website.
And if you are like me & love looking at wool but can’t knit… she has also created a Learn to Knit kit!
Yay! Thanks beautiful Tara!
happy gorgeous rainbow woolly days,

The Creative Goddess e-course is six weeks of creative + soulful projects, art & meditations!
{and it comes recommended too…}
“Goddess Leonie lovingly and intuitively holds sacred space for enormous healing work.. much deeper and more powerful than I expected. Her work, if you’re willing to surrender to it, delivers you to the heart of your creative blocks and empowers you to dissolve them. All the while having fun, kicking back with my sisters in the circle and getting paint on my hands!”
– Goddess Sara soularchitect