Oh, my darling hearts!

Gather around because I’ve got some magical musings to share from an absolute kaleidoscope of inspiration and creativity!

I share that being an artist is about the sheer joy of creation! It’s not about the gold stars or the dollars, but about the soul-stirring act of bringing something new into the world. I would love a more inclusive and liberating definition of artistic expression, one that welcomes everyone with open, glittering arms.

Next , I unveil 10 sparkling strategies to help us soar above creative frustrations and fears. Sometimes we need a nudge to embrace our beautiful mistakes, trust that magical intuition, and share our art in ways that feel right and true for us. How glorious is that?

Last, but certainly not least, I shower you with affirmations and empowering messages, urging all artists, writers, and creators to revel in their unique brilliance. It’s time to release the chains of comparison, to reconnect with our deepest dreams and desires, and to shine, shine, shine!

By the end, you’ll be floating on a cloud of creativity, reminded that each one of us has a wellspring of innate creativity just waiting to be expressed. So, let’s grab our brushes, our pens, our tools, and let’s make some magic!

Explicit AF

Just to reiterate: this is one sweary motherfucker of a podcast. So if you listen to it around kids… they will defo learn some new vocabulary from Aunty Leonie. MWHAHAHAHA. ENJOYYYYY!

How to listen

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Just pop over here treasure!

You can also just sit on your couch and yell “OK Google! Play me “Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised” podcast!” and your digital servant shall administer to your needs.

Who gives a fuck about privacy when you can have a little robot assistant at your beck and call so you may never leave the couch again.

Big hugs,


  • The Definition of an Artist 0:04
  • What it means to be an artist
  • Embracing the Creative Goddess Within 3:33
  • Embracing inner creativity
  • Overcoming creative frustrations and fears
  • Empowering Your Creative Journey 6:26
  • Importance of self-validation in pursuing creative dreams